Chapter Seventeen

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Avery followed Sadie to the cafeteria after the bell had rung. The lines were just as busy as they had been the previous day. After a few minutes in line and deciding on what slop to eat today, Avery and Sadie went to take a seat at the same table that they had sat at yesterday.

As Avery picked up the plastic fork, poking at what looked like an approximation of macaroni and cheese she nodded along to Sadie's explanation of what she thought of each of the teachers.

"You take Miss Edal's class, right?" Sadie began, giving the blonde a moment to answer her question.

With a nod from Avery she continued, "I think her class is super weird. Since my family is Christian, I've been enrolled in Catholic schools all my life. She doesn't teach anywhere near the same stuff that my other religion teachers did" She explained, glancing down at the table with a confused look.

"It's not like I'm upset about it though, I've been taught this stuff all my life so learning new things makes it a bit more interesting".

At this Avery could only nod, she enjoyed Miss Edal's class. Especially since the subject seemed to be entwined with her life now.

Avery suddenly remembered the report that was due the following week, if she was honest so much had happened that it slipped her mind. It would make sense that she would do a report about demons, she wanted to learn more about them anyway. Especially the contract kind.

Avery's eyes were quick to dart to the entrance of the cafeteria when Ethan walked through the door, basketball in hand. He was followed by Hayden, Scott, Paige, and Addison.

"Paige is here" Sadie announced without even turning towards the door, the obnoxious clicking of her heels giving her presence away immediately.

Avery gave Sadie a smile, the exasperated expression that graced Sadie's features bringing up thoughts of the note that was passed between them in English.

"By the way, you said that you don't think they like you, why is that?" Avery questioned.

Sadie sucked in a short breath, thinking about her answer for a moment, "I think it's because I'm close to Ethan". Avery was quick to wonder whether Sadie had a crush on Ethan just as she did and she glanced down at the table with contemplation.

Perhaps it was the expression that Avery was making but Sadie was quick to add, "I don't have a crush on him or anything though, that would be super weird!".

Avery gave the blonde a guilty look as though she had been caught in a lie, "It wouldn't be weird... you can like whoever you want" Avery tried to encourage.

"Eww... Maybe if he wasn't my cousin" Sadie laughed, reaching across the table to tap her friend's hand playfully. Her cousin? "You're cousins?" Avery couldn't hide the shock in her tone as her mouth dropped open.

"Yeah, our mums are sisters. After he moved here, we ended up getting super close so we're really good friends now". Sadie's expression changed into one of knowing as she eyed Avery, "Wait... did you actually think I had a crush on him?".

Avery averted her eyes guiltily, looking down at the lunch table. Sadie burst into laughter as she watched Avery's reaction, "That's so funny! Do you really think Paige would let me hang around Ethan if I had a crush on him?".

Her laugh must have been contagious because Avery found herself letting a chuckle escape her lips as she looked back up at Sadie. She knew first hand that Paige would never let that happen.

"She only puts up with me because Ethan and I were friends way before they had even met!" Sadie explained with a chuckle.

"S-Sorry, I made a stupid assumption" Avery apologised.

"Don't worry about it... honestly, a lot of people think that when they see us together". Sadie's tone was one of understanding as she waved her hands in dismissal of the topic. A wave of relief washed over Avery as the pair smiled at each other.

"So anyway, tell me about yourself. You only transferred here this year, right?" Sadie inquired, beginning to eat her carrots and corn.

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