Chapter Seven

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Avery was awoken by the opening notes of an upbeat melody filling her room. She rolled over in her bed, snatching her phone off the side table to turn off her alarm before throwing the device amongst the bunched blankets at the end of the bed.

Groggily, she pulled herself up from the bed, hanging her feet over the edge as she rubbed her eyes. Light streamed in from the open curtains behind her, a gentle breeze wafting through the open window.

Avery twisted into a deep stretch as she attempted to rid her body of the last lingering effects of sleep, the loud pops of her joints interrupting the silence of the relatively peaceful morning. As she went to stand her foot slipped on something smooth and she toppled forward onto the plush carpet with a thump. A hiss of pain escaped through her lips as she gingerly lifted herself off of the floor, twisting to try and see what caused her to topple over.

The cream corner of card that poked out from under the mountain of blankets caught her eye. She felt her heartbeat begin to increase as she reached for the paper, gently tugging it free from its soft prison. Her fingers smoothed over the satiny cardstock as she looked over the envelope. Spiky calligraphy spelt out her name on the front. With a deep breath Avery turned the envelope over to examine the broken wax seal that previously held the flap closed.

I thought that that was all just a dream.

The memories of the previous night returned to her in a sudden crash of emotions. Her terrified awakening, the contracting that promised her happiness, the price of signing it, and the dark haired demon who held the key to it all.


Avery got dressed in a daze as she ran through the entire experience again and again. Details of the contract occupying her every thought before they were interrupted by the image of charming red eyes in the moonlight.

Avery violently shakes her head, bringing her hands to her face as she tried to rub the thought away. Why am I even thinking about this? Avery sighed, her cheeks now a soft pink as she leant down to pick up her school bag.

With a quick look around her room, her eyes locked with the cream envelope she had thrown haphazardly onto the bed. Should I bring it...? With another shake of her head, she walked over to the envelope, taking it in her hands before opening her side table drawer and throwing it amongst her undergarments. I must be going crazy. With a small clunk Avery closed the drawer, leaving the contract behind as she left for the kitchen.


Breakfast was the same as usual, a bowl of bland cereal and a glass of orange juice.

Avery glanced down at her outfit choice, remembering the gatorade incident from the previous day. She had chosen a white shirt and a light pink cardigan to help battle the cold of the morning. These were her last clean blue jeans, and she hoped that they wouldn't have to suffer the same fate as the pair she had left in the washing basket.

"Good morning Avery!" Her mum exclaimed as she clambered into the kitchen, her purse and a plastic bag were hooked over her arms as she knocked past the cupboards. "Good morning" Avery said with a small smile, watching her mum try to lift the heavy bag up so that she could grab her keys off the hook.

"Ugh! I'm already so late!" She exclaimed as she finally managed to hook her fingers around the ring of her car keys, storming towards the front door. As Susan reached for the handle she thought better of it, turning her attention back to her daughter at the kitchen table with a sincere smile, "I love you, Avery".

This small sentiment brought a smile to the blonde's face. Her mum had been so busy for the last few weeks with her new job that Avery hadn't seen much of her. They had always been close.

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