ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 1.

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**• 𝕐/ ; 𝕠𝕧. •**
    I was in my room sleeping on my white bed, Till I felt cold hands shaking both of my shoulders.

    I jumped, And quickly sat up. I looked to the side, And saw Papa. 'It's okay 013. It was just Papa....' I thought, Calming myself down from being scared.

    "Don't worry 013. It was just me, Who was trying to wake you up." Papa said, Sitting on the medal chair that was on the side of my bed. "It's okay...." I replied, Hugging my knees. "I came here to tell you something." Papa said.

    I looked up at Papa, And waited for him to speak up. "Today we're doing another finding experiment." Papa said. "I'm gonna see 011 again?" I questioned, Getting a bit interested now. Every time I'm in the void to find 011, She's always the only one to really comfort my loneliness in the Lab.

    She's the only one that can see me in the void, And make contact with me. She even told me how she escaped the Lab, And said that I would be free one day. Soon.

    "013?" I heard Papa. 'Uh oh! I was thinking too long again! Papa is gonna question me about it!' I thought, Starting to panic.

    "You're Thinking again, Aren't you?" Papa questioned, Already Knowing the answer.

    'I hate how he always questions about my thoughts! 011 went through this before as well, And didn't like it. Neither do I....' I thought.

    "No...." I replied. "You're lying again 013. And you know what happens when you lie." Papa said. "Punished....?" I said, Looking down a bit.

    "Yup. Now tell me what you were thinking about." Papa said, Waiting for me to reply. "No...." I replied. "What?" "No." I repeated. "You aren't telling me again?" Papa questioned. "No....!" I said, Starting to get a bit mad. 011 said to defend myself from Papa, So that's what I'm gonna do.

    "Fine. You'll get punished, And you won't be able to see your sister 011." Papa said, Getting up from the medal chair. "What?" I questioned. "Don't think I know about the relationship between you and 011. You're both getting along. And that's not what I want. So I'm gonna punish you for that as well. I'll get the man." Papa said, Walking out of the room.

    'He knows?!' I thought. "How." I said, Trying to sound serious as possible. "Because. I have my ways." Papa replied.

    "Now we wait. The man would be here at any minute, Now." Papa said, Now Starting to mock me.

    I close my eyes, And try to remember what 011 told me to do when Papa starts to mock me.

    "No." I said, Being really serious this time. "That's why you don't lie. Lies give you a consequence." Papa said, Looking at me. I started to get even more mad, And felt energy come up to me.

    I stayed silent, And decided to not use my abilities. If I use them, And mess up once! Than I'll have an even more worse consequence. I still stood quiet, Till I heard footsteps. I started to get chills when I heard the footsteps, Knocking that the bad man are now here to get me.

    I saw the 2 man, And tried to run away from them. I was too late, And was grabbed from both of my arms. I felt weak, And began to plead for them to stop. They ignored my pleads, And began walking out of the room while dragging both of my arms.

    "No! Let go of me!" I yelled, Having a hard time to get loose! The man still ignored me, And continued walking.

    "Let go of me! Let go! Let....go!" I yelled, Still having no reply.

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