ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 12.

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**• 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 ; 𝕆𝕍. •**
Y/N and I ran to our lockers, And began to put our stuff inside. It was cool how Y/N's locker was right between Max's and I! "Are you done?" I questioned, Looking at Y/N. "Ya." Y/N replied, Smiling.

"Cool! Let's head to lunch now." I said, Closing my locker door. Y/N nodded, And closed her locker door as well.

    We both smiled, And ran to the Cafeteria. We made it to the Cafeteria, And there was a ton of people all around the Cafeteria! "Uhh...." Y/N said, Looking at me.

"It's alright! Just follow me, And we'll get our lunch without any problems happening." I said, Walking to the student line. Y/N nodded, And followed me. We made it to the student line, And grabbed our lunch. "Where are we going to sit?" Y/N questioned, Looking at me. I looked at Y/N, And spoke up. "With the group! They're over there. Follow me!" I said, Running towards the group. Y/N nodded, And followed me.

    We made it to the table, And I sat down. I looked at Y/N, And she was too shy to sit down with us.

    "It's alright Y/N! You may sit here with us." Max said, Smiling at Y/N.

   Y/N smiled, And sat down next to Max. "She's not in our group! Y/N, Go sit somewhere else." Mike said, Looking at Y/N with a rude look.

    The whole entire group rolled their eyes, And sighed. "Mike! Just leave her alone. Jeez! Your acting the same way before Max was in our team, So stop for once!" Dustin said, Folding his arms. Mike scoffed, And rolled his eyes. I did a little smile, And began to eat my food. Y/N looked at me, And began to eat her food as well.

**• 𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕣 ; 𝕆𝕍. •**
    I got off of work early, And decided to stay in the cabin. Also to just supervise El, Even though we still haven't got along for our argument.

    I sighed, And got up from my couch. 'I want to get to the bottom of this. I want to know who this Thirteen girl is, And if she actually escaped that stupid Lab.' I thought, Walking up to El's room door. "El." I said, Knocking in the door. "Go." El said. "No. Now open the door, Now." "No!" "Yes! Open the door right now, I just want to talk." I said, Trying to make her open the door. I heard El sigh, And the door opened. I walked inside her room, And sat down.

    "What do you need?" El questioned, Sitting far away from me.

    "I believe you." "What?" "I believe you! I believe you about the girl that you've been talking about. Thirteen?" I said.

    El looked shocked, And leaned forward. "You believe?" "Yes...." I replied, Sighing. El smiled, And spoke up. "She lives in Dustin's house. My friend Dustin found her, And took her in." El explained.

    "The one with barely any teeth?" I questioned. El looked up at me, And nodded no. "Don't say that about him." "Oh. Ya, Sorry." I apologized.

    Eleven sighed, And continued to speak. "What are you gonna do now that I believe you?" El questioned.

    "Me?" "Yes." El replied, Making a weird face. "Well, Sense it's a school day for kids today. I'm gonna check the school that your friends go to. Just to check." I said. "Then what?" "I'll think of that later...." I replied. El nodded, And looked away. "Stay here, Alright?" "N-" "Stay." El scoffed, And folded her arms.

    I sighed, And walked out of El's room. I closed her door, And walked up to the front door. I opened the door, And walked out of the cabin. I closed the door, And got inside my car. I turned on the car, And began to drive to the school. 'This girl better be real. I really wanted to just stay home, And watch TV....' I thought, Still driving.

**• 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡. •**

I made it to the school building, And parked. I turned off the car, And leaned back in my seat.

I got out of the car, And began to walk inside the building. I saw the Office, And walked inside the room. "Hello principal." I said, Sitting down across from him.

"Hm? Chief?! It's been a while Sense I saw you." The principal said, Looking at me shocked. "Yup, I know. Umm....I came here to see someone, Again." I said. "Okay. Who?" "Uh....Thirteen?" I said. The principal looked at me Confused. "I don't know this girls name, I'm sorry. Is there someone new that just transferred here?" I questioned. "Actually, Ya! There's this girl named Y/N! She just transferred here." The principal explained. "Really?" "Ya." The principal replied.

"May I see this girl?" I questioned. "Sure. Follow me." The principal said, Getting up from his seat. I nodded, And followed the principal.

**• 𝕐/ ; 𝕠𝕧. •**
We finished having lunch, And were now in our last class. "Eleven more minutes till we pack up everyone!" The teacher said, Going back to their work. I looked up shocked, When I heard the name Eleven. 'I wish we never had that fight....' I thought, Going back to our work. "Excuse me teacher, We came here because we would like to take someone for a while." I heard. I looked up, And saw the principal!

"Oh? Okay, Sure! Who do you need?" The teacher questioned. "That girl over there." The principal said, Pointing towards me. "Y/N?" "Yes." The principal replied.

    I got Confused, But got up from my seat. I walked up to the principal, And we walked out of the classroom.

    "Don't worry Y/N, You're not in trouble. If you thought you were." I heard from someone else. I looked up, And saw a man with a beard. And wearing a light brown uniform.

    "Who....are you?" I questioned. "I'm chief Hopper. Nice to meet you." Hopper said, Holding our his hand. 'Wait. I've heard of that name before! Didn't El said she was staying with someone named Hopper?' I thought. "Are you Alright kid?" Hopper questioned. "Uh, Yes." I replied, Shaking his hand.

    "Let's head to the office now, Shall we?" The principal questioned. Hopper And I looked at the principal, And nodded. We walked to the principal office, And walked inside the room. I sat down across from Hopper, And Patiently waited to know why I was called here. "I'm gonna ask you a few questions, Alright? Just to get things straight." Hopper said. I got Confused, But nodded. Hopper nodded, And spoke.

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