ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 21.

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^*• 𝕄𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕀𝕀 𝕆𝕍. •*^
    I ran out of Will's room, And saw Joyce in the kitchen cooking some food. "Joyce!" I yelled, Running up to her.

    Joyce jumped, And dropped the pan that had food in it.

    "Oh! I'm sorry." I said, Helping her pick up the food. "It's alright, Mike. What's wrong?" Joyce questioned, Getting up from the floor. "It's about Hopper." I said.

    "What? What about Hopper?" Joyce said, Getting Confused. "He's in the tunnels! The ones that Y/N and Will were talking about." I explained. Joyce looked shocked, And looked around. "Well, H-How do we find him?! He's probably in trouble!" Joyce said, Starting to panic.

    "Woah! Calm down! We'll find him. And I think I may know a way." I said. "How?" "These papers. Maybe Y/N could probably go to her mind, And find a location to where the tunnels are!" I said. "That's a good idea. But, Hopper never told me where he lives." Joyce replied, Getting worried again. "Maybe Y/N can come to us? I mean, You do know Hopper's phone number. Right?" I questioned. "Ya, I do." "Well, Than call! Maybe Y/N will answer the phone?" "You ri-" Joyce said, But got cut off when we heard a 'ring'.

    "Was someone suppose to come?" I questioned, Looking at Joyce. "No? I'll go get the door, Just to check." Joyce said, Sprinting up to the door.

    I nodded, And watched to see who was at the door. It was a man! 'What the....' I thought, Getting Confused. I heard the both of them talking, And slowly walked up to them. Just to listen into there conversation.

    "Uh, Right now isn't the time for you to be here. Come another day, Alright?" Joyce said. "Why? What's wrong, Joyce?" "Nothing!" Joyce replied.

    "Just let me at least come in." The man said, Walking inside the house. "N-Ugh..." Joyce said.

    "Bob! Right now really isn't the time for you to be here...." "I know! You already told me. But, What is all this?" Bob said, Seeing all the colored papers on the wall. Joyce was about to speak, But sighed. "Fine. I'll explain everything to you, After someone that we really need comes." Joyce said, Already knowing that she is talking about E-Y/N....

^*• 𝔼𝕝 𝕀𝕀 𝕆𝕍. •*^
"Alright, Everyone! We now made it to your destination. Please exit the bus safely." The speaker said.

I slowly opened my eyes, And sighed. I walked out of the bus, And looked around. "Woah...." I whispered in amazement, While Walking.

I stopped walking, And looked up. The tall buildings with there lights on looks amazing! I got pushed, And got shocked. I turned around, And spoke. "Mouth breather." I said, Continuing to walk again.

I looked at the photo of the girl that I was suppose to look for again, And continued to walk.

I made it to a dark little alley, And started to get a bit scared.

When I walked into the Alleyway, There was a ton of creepy looking people. I closed my eyes, And ignored all the talking that was being heard around me. I opened my eyes, And quickly ran away.

I finally finished going through the alley, And looked up. The building was a warehouse! I sighed, And walked up to the building. I made it to the front entrance, And slowly opened the front door. I walked in, And looked around. I saw a few people, And walked up to them. "Hello?" I said. The people looked at me, And smiled. "Oh? Who do we have here?" A man with a weird looking colored haircut said, Getting up from his seat.

"Wait. Are those overalls?" "People still wear those?" A girl with puffy hair said. "Now. How did you get here, Huh? Tell." The weird looking man said, Walking up to me.

"I just came here to look for my sister. That's it." I replied, Not feeling scared at all.

"Aww! This girl lost her sister." One of the Girls said, Smiling. "I found her! Here." I said, Slowly taking out the picture from my bag.

"Hey! Slowly take out your hand from the bag, Now." The tall looking man said. I got Confused, But nodded.

I slowly took out the picture, And showed it to the people. "Give me that shit!" One of the man said, Grabbing the picture straight out of my hand. The man stared at the photo, Till the older woman took it out of his hand. "Is that....Kali?" The lady said. "Kali?" I questioned. "How did you find us? Does anyone else no you're here?" "No." I replied.

    "Oh, This is funny! You just found us by looking at a piece of paper? You'd really think that we would believe you?" "Hm?" I replied, Confused.

    "How. Did. You. Find. Us?" The man said. "I saw her." "That's not an answer!" The man said, Grabbing onto my coat.

"So one more thing that doesn't answer my question, Than I'll start with those tiny lacs of yours!" He said, Taking out a pocket knife. I didn't respond, And he was about to strike till he looked up at his arm.

    "W-Woah! Ah!" The man yelled, Playing with his hair.

    "You're a really bad dancer Axel." I heard someone say. I looked up, And saw a girl who looked really really tough!

    "Hey! I told you stay stay out of my head!" Axel yelled. "Threatening little girls now, Aren't we." Kali said, Walking down the stairs. "This girl knows about you!" Axel yelled, Pointing at me.

    "She had this." The younger looking girl said, Giving Kali the picture that I had of her. Kali took the picture, And looked at it.

    "Where did you get this?" Kali questioned, Looking at me.

    "Mamma." "Your mom gave this to you?" Kali said. "Yes." I said, Grabbing the picture. "How?" "From her dream search." "So that's why she was looking for her sister." "Jeez! She just make's life more weirder." Axel said, About to grab the pocket knife from the ground. I looked down at the knife, And used my powers to make the knife come to me.

    "Woah!" Axel yelled, Almost getting hit by the pocket knife. I looked at the knife, Than at Kali who just stared.

    "So, Abilities. Huh?" "Mhm." I replied, While the both of us walking around in circles.

    I nodded, And looked down at her wrist. She looked at mine's as well, And grabbed my wrist.

    Kali put my sleeve up, And saw my '011' tattoo. I grabbed her wrist, And put her glove down a bit. She had a number tattoo as well! 008. "Sisters...." I whispered. "Sisters."

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