ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 16.

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**• 𝔼𝕝 ; 𝕆𝕍. •**
    The lady stared at me for a bit, But than nodded. She signaled me to follow her, And I walked inside the house.

    "Here's your mother. She haven't been doing pretty well, For the couple of years...." The lady said, Not Walking no more. I got Confused, And walked past her.

    I looked to the side, And saw momma! "Mom?" I said, Walking up to her.

    I sat down on my knees, And stared at her. She kept on repeating the same words all over again! I don't know why, Though. "What happened to her?" I questioned, Looking at the lady. The lady sighed, Before speaking up, "something in the past happened to her, That caused her to be like this." The woman replied.
"What happened?" I said.

    "You're too young to know right now, I'm sorry." The lady said, Looking at me worried. "Oh...." I said, Looking away.

    "Anyways. Let me show you a room, That your mother had been keeping for a very long time." The lady said, About to walk away. "Wait! What is your name?" I questioned. The lady looked back at me, And spoke. "It's Becky. What is yours?" "Jane." I replied. Becky looked at me shocked for a bit, But Than nodded. "Anyways, Let's go." Becky said. I nodded, And got up from the ground. We were both walking, Till we walked inside a room. "Here. You may walk in." Becky said, Signaling me to walk inside the room.

    I slowly walked inside the room, And looked around. "Whose room is this....?" I questioned, Looking at Becky.

    "Your room." "Mines?" "Yup! Your mother has been keeping this room for ages, Knowing that one day you'll come back." Becky explained, Putting her hands in her pockets.

    'Come back....' I thought, Walking up to the crib that was in the middle of the room. I put my hands on the crib, And looked inside of it. They were a bunch of toys! And one teddy bear. I picked it up, And looked right at it. This reminded me of something. I closed my eyes, And sighed.

    I was playing with the puzzles that Hopper gave me, Till I heard the knocking signal. I turned around, And made the door open. "Thank you kid." Hopper said, Walking inside the cabin. I nodded, And continued to play with the puzzle pieces.

    "I got you something!" Hopper said, Putting a bag across from me. I looked up, And put the puzzle piece down.

    "What is it?" I questioned. Hopper went through the bag, And took out something that I did not know what it was. "It's a plush teddy bear! It's something that you cuddle with." Hopper said, Giving it to me. I slowly grabbed it, And began to cuddle with it. "Like this?" "Yup." Hopper replied. I did a little smile, And cuddle with the teddy even more.

    "El!" I heard, With caused me to jump in shock. I turned around, And rubbed my eyes. "Yes?" "Are you okay?" Becky questioned. "I'm okay...." I replied, Turning back to the crib. "You needed help before right? Trust me, I kinda have a clue to what happened in your past." Becky said. I looked at Becky, And nodded. "Yes." I replied. "Well, I would need you to talk for me Alright? You can have as much time as you need, Whenever your ready! But you have to let me help you. Alright?" "Alright." I said.

    I looked beside Becky, And saw a light flicker. "Why is that happening?" I questioned, Pointing at the light. "What?" Becky said, Turning around.

    "Oh! The lights?" Becky said, Which made me do a little nod.

    "Well, That happens Sense this place is really old! Nothing to worry about." Becky said. I ignored her, And walked up to the light. Another one flickered besides me, I ran up to the other light. And just stared at it. More lights kept on flickering, And I followed. One led me to the kitchen, And I ran up to the little night light.

    "Really. It's nothing, Jane." Becky said. "No." I replied. I looked to the side, And walked up to mom. I sat back down on my knees, And looked at mom.

    I saw the little blood go down her nose, And just stared. "It's her." I said. The TV Than suddenly turned on! Changing into different channels by themselves. I walked up to the TV, And it was now static.

    "She want to talk to me." I said, Getting serious now.

**• 𝕐/ ; 𝕠𝕧. •**
    I finally made it to the Byers house! And got out of the bike. I saw someone else at the door, And walked up to them. Is that....Mike?! "Mike?" I questioned, Confused to why he is here. Mike jumped, And turned to my direction. "Y/N?! What're you doing here?!" Mike said, In shock. "I came here to check on Will? You?" "Same reason." Mike replied. I just nodded, And rang the doorbell. We both awkwardly waited patiently, For the door to open.

    The door than opened, Only to reveal Joyce. "Mike? Y/N? What're the both of you doing here this early?" Joyce questioned.

    "We both came to check on Will." Mike said, Putting his hands in his pockets. "Well, Right now isn't the time. He's fine! He just needs to stay home right now, Alright? You both may leave." Joyce said, About to close the door. "It's about the shadow monster, Isn't it?" I said, Stopping her from closing the door.

    Joyce looked at me shocked, And stood quiet. "I'm right, Aren't I?" "Ya....? How did you know though?" Joyce questioned.

    I put one of my fingers in my head, Showing that I was using my mind. I than walked inside the house, Leaving Joyce with no words.

    "Where is Will, Joyce?" I questioned, Looking at Joyce.

    "He's at his room with Hopper right now." Joyce replied, Pointing to Will's room. I nodded, And walked to Will's room while Mike and Joyce followed. I walked inside the room, And saw Will sitting on his bed. With Hopper sitting besides him.

    "Will?" I said, Walking up to him. Will sat up, And looked towards me. "Y/N? Did you tell them?" "Wha-" "Will. Y/N didn't tell Hopper an I anything! It was me. I know something is wrong with you." Joyce explained, Walking up to Will. "Well, I'm fine! All of you can now leave." Will said, Looking away from all of us. I looked at Joyce, And she looked at me back. I than looked at Will, And walked up to him. Will looked at me Confused, Than shocked when I hugged him. "We're good people, Will. We need you to trust all of us." I said, To Will.

    "None of us will do any harm to you at all! I promise."

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