ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 13.

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**• 𝔼𝕝 ; 𝕆𝕍. •**
He left me here in this cabin alone, Again! I scoffed, And walked out of my room. Everything was the same just like the way it was when I made all the windows break....I looked down, And there was glass! 'I should probably clean this.' I thought.

I sighed, And grabbed a broom. I than began to clean all the glass, Into one pile. I looked at the shelf, And used my telekinetic powers.

I put my head down, And made the shelf go back to it's place.

I grabbed the broom, And continued to clean the glass. I felt a bump from the floor, And moved the couch out of the way. 'What....?' I thought, Bending down to the floor. I grabbed the piece, And it slowly lifted up. I got shocked, And lifted it up all the way. I looked through the hole, And there was a ton of boxes! I couldn't read the handwriting that was on the boxes, And grabbed a flashlight.

I saw clearly now, And saw one that was about the Hawkins Lab! I used my powers to make the box come to me, And took it out. I brought it to the couch, And sat the box down.

I sat down on the couch, And opened the box.

I grabbed the folders, And looked through them. I saw a paper the caught my attention, And grabbed. I began to read the entire thing, And it was a mother who lost there kid.

The baby was taken away from them. The mother's name was....Terry Ives. 'Pretty name.' I thought. I looked at the reading closet, And the babies name was Jane! Is she my momma? "Mom...." I whispered. I looked at the picture, And saw mom with....Papa.

I looked around, And put the folder down. I got up, And grabbed the speaker that I saw in the shelf. I put the speaker in the ground, And changed the channels till it was all static.

I grabbed my blindfold, And turned it up around my head. 'Time to find momma.' I thought.

I opened my eyes, And looked around. I'm in the void. I sighed, And began to walk forward. I saw a figure sitting on something, And walked up to it. "Mom?" I said, Walking even closer. I made it, And it was the lady from the picture! It was momma. "Mom?!" I questioned, Running up to her. She looked even more old, Compared to how she looked in the photo.

Mom looked up at me, And looked at motionless. But she had a little shock in her face, Even if it didn't look like it. "Jane....?" Mom said, Looking at me.

    I said nothing, And reached my hand up to her. She did as well, And we finally touched. When we did, Mom started to fade away!

    "Mom?" I said, Seeing her fade even more! "Mom! Mom!" I yelled, Till she was finally gone....

    "Mom!" I yelled again, Falling onto my knees. "Momma...." I whispered, Starting to cry.

    I quickly took off my blindfold, And began to cry. "Momma...." I said, Trembling. I cried even louder, And covered my face. I want to see her still! I slowly stopped crying, And got up from the ground.

    'I need to find mom.' I thought, Grabbing the folder again.

    I looked through it, And tried to find the location where I can find my momma. I found a paper that showed a little house, And read through the description.

    I found a location, And thought it was the location to moms house. I got up, And ran to my room.

    I closed my door, And got my new pairs of clothing. I found overalls, And a grey sleeved shirt. I nodded, And began to change into the clothing.

    I grabbed my bag, And put it over My shoulders. I sighed, And walked out of my room. I opened the front door, And walked out. I began walking through the woods, Till I saw a road! I ran to the road, And stopped when I made it. I looked around, And waited for any car to come so I can ask them to take me to my moms house. I saw a huge truck, And quickly ran in front of the truck.

    The truck quickly stopped, And a grown man ran up to me. "Woah! Are you alright?! Why'd you jump in front of my truck?" The man questioned. "To give me....a ride." I said. "What?" He said.

    I sighed, And took out the Papa we where it showed the location. "You want me to take you there?" The man questioned.

    "Yes." I replied. "Uhh....okay? Get in." The man said, Getting back inside his truck. I nodded, And got in the truck. I gave the man the paper, And he began to drive to the location.

**• 𝕐/ ; 𝕠𝕧. •**
    "How do you know about me?" I questioned, Shocked that he knows who I am! "Listen, Kid. El told me. Your sister?" Hopper said, Folding his arms. 'He is the Hopper that El was talking about!' I thought, In surprise. "She told you about me?" I questioned. "All the time!" Hopper replied, Chuckling a bit. I did a little smile, And laughed a bit as well. "Wanna meet her?" "Like, In person?" "Yes." "Ya!" I replied, Smiling even wider.

    "Alright than. Mind if I take her out of school?" Hopper questioned, Looking at the principal. "Are you one of her guardians?" There principal questioned.

    "No. But, This is something that you don't know about. So I really need to take her." "Fine. Sense, You're a chief police." The principal replied, Sighing.

    Hopper And I smiled, And left the building. "Wanna go get your stuff?" Hopper questioned. I looked at Hopper, And nodded.

    "Okay. Where's your locker, Exactly?" "Right there." I said, Pointing at my locker.

    Hopper nodded, And let me grab my stuff. I put my backpack over my shoulders, And we left off. "What about my teacher?" I questioned. "Eh. Your teacher will just have to ask the principal Than." Hopper replied, Putting a grin on his face. I smiled, And we continued to walk.

**• 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡. •**

    We made it to the cabin that Hopper was telling me about, And got out of the car.

    "So this is the cabin El and you have been living in?" I questioned, Looking at Hopper. "Yup. Pretty small cabin, Huh?" Hopper questioned, Looking at me. "Only a little but, It still look's nice!" I said, Smiling. Hopper chuckled, And pat my head.

    We walked on the porch, And Hopper was about to open the door. Till, It was already open?

    "Stand back." Hopper said, Taking our his gun! I flinched when he took out the gun, And his behind Hopper. "Whose there!" Hopper yelled, Running in the cabin. Hopper And I We're Shocked when everything was just....silence. "What?" Hopper questioned, Searching around the cabin. "El?!" Hopper yelled. "Where are you?" Hopper said, Running in a room. "She's gone." Hopper said. "What?" I questioned. "I knew one day she would just run off, I knew it!" Hopper said, Shaking his head.

    'Sister is gone?' I thought, Looking down. Being all happy to see sis, For Nothing. "Gone...." I whispered.

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