ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 24.

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^*• 𝕐/ 𝕀𝕚 𝕠𝕧. •*^
It was now the next day, And Will was still unconscious.

I was the only one in the room while the other's went to go get breakfast Sense, They were hungry from what happened yesterday last night....

I was sitting next to Will's bed, Trying my very best to not fall asleep or leave to go get breakfast.

I finally lost it, And closed my eyes. I was now about to drift off to sleep.

I heard shuffling, And slowly opened my eyes. I looked up, And Will was awake! "Will!" I said, Happily. "Hm? Y/N?" Will said, Rubbing his eyes. "Ya, It's me." "Where's the other's?" Will questioned.

"They went to go get breakfast. They were hungry." I replied. "Wait, Why didn't you went to go with them?" "Because. I didn't wanted anything bad to happen to you, So I decided to stay." I said, Putting a soft smile on my face. Will turned red a bit, And nodded. "Want me to go get you breakfast? You must be hungry." I said, Getting up.

"No!" Will said, Grabbing my hand. I jumped, And looked at Will. "I like the company. I want you to stay." Will said, Looking down a bit. I just nodded, And sat back down. Will and I just stayed quiet, And didn't really talked. Everything was silent till, We heard a door open. I looked to the side, And they were back! "Hi, Y-" Joyce said, But stopped when she saw that Will was awake. "Will!" Joyce yelled, Running up to him. Joyce hugged him, Which caused Will to make a shocked look.

Will did a little sigh, And hugged back. "You woke up just in time. We got the both of you breakfast!" Joyce said, Looking at Hopper.

Hopper nodded, And gave Will and I some food to eat.

"Thank you." I said, Starting to eat the food. "Um....no thanks." Will said, Moving the tray away from him.

"Why won't you take it? You're not hungry?" Mike said, Looking at Will.

"No. I'm not really hungry, Even if I just woke up." Will said, Doing a fake little smile. I huffed, And filled the spoon with some smushed potatoes.

"What're you doing?" Will questioned, Looking at me. "I'm gonna feed you." I replied, Smiling.

"Hm?" "Here." I said, Shoving the spoon into his mouth. He looked at me shocked! But eventually ate the food. "That was good!" Will said, Starting to eat his food.

Everyone looked at me shocked, And I smiled. I than began to eat my food, When Owens began to speak up. "Well, Will." "Hm?" "When you're done eating, Can we do some test? About what you're going through?" "Uh....fine." Will replied.

Owens smiled, And walked up to the door. "I'll be right back. I need to go get some other doctors, Than we'll start." Owens said, Leaving the room.

"Anyways. While we wait, Are you feeling any better Will?" Joyce questioned, Sitting across from Will.

"I'm fine, I guess. I'm fine." Will said, Shrugging a bit. "That's good." Joyce said, Sighing. "Oh! Hey, Y/N." Hopper said, Walking up to me. "Hm? Yes?" I said, Looking back at Hopper. "Wanna come Dustin right now? Just to let him know that you're safe?" "Uh, Sure." I said, Getting up from my seat.

Hopper gave me the telephone, And I dialed Dustin's number. I put the phone on my ear, And waited patiently for him to answer. "Hello? Y/N?!" "Ya. It's me, Brother." I said, Smiling. "Where are you?" "I'm....home? I'm safe, Though." "That's good! Im glad to hear that." Dustin replied. I smiled, And felt bad for lying. "Well, I have to go." "Me too. Bye." "Bye." Dustin said, Hanging up the phone. I put the telephone away, And walked back to the group. I sat down, And did a little sigh.

"We're back." I heard. I looked to the side, And Owens did brought some extra doctors. Or should I say....scientists.

"Way me start now." "Ya." Hopper And Joyce said, Nodding.

"Alright, Will. We're not gonna hurt you. Just do some....someone stuff! Alright?" Owens said.

"Alright." Will said. Another doctor than came in with one of those vine creatures things in a little container. 'What are they gonna do with that?' I thought, Wondering what type of test they're gonna do. "Alright. So, Will. We think you're attached to the tunnels Sense, You got hurt when they started to burn it down. Am I correct?" Owens questioned. Will looked at Owens, And nodded. "They hurt me." Will said, Looking down.

    "Okay, Than. We're just gonna do something simple, Okay? Ok. May you start?" Owens said, Looking at the other doctor.

    The doctor nodded, And took out a little flame gun. He turned it on, But it wasn't too close to the vine. I looked at Will, And he only began to sweat a little.

    "Feel anything from that?" Owens questioned. "Only a little...." "Where? Where does it hurt, Will?" Joyce questioned. "On my chest." Will replied. Owens nodded, And told the doctor to put the flame gun even closer to the vine. Will sat up a little, And his skin began to turn  really pal. "It's starting to hurt!" Will said.

    "Alright, You May Stop now." Owens said, But the doctor didn't stop. "He said stop." I said, Using my powers to throw the flame gun away from the "doctor". Owens looked at me shocked, And I just sat back down wiping my nose. "How'd you do that?" Owens said, Surprised. "No." I said. "Wh-" "She doesn't want to talk about it." Hopper said, Interrupting Owens. Owens nodded, And looked back at Will. "Well, That's enough for today. I better be on my way now." Owens said, Leaving the room.

    He signaled Hopper and Joyce to follow him, Which was just Mike, Will, And I. "This is getting really serious." Mike said, Rubbing his head.

    "I just want El back...." Mike whispered. El? That reminds me of the fight that she had, That I didn't really understand. Still, She can't just get mad at me like that. But it's just how life works, I think?

    I sighed, And just hugged my knees. I want to stay here for Will but, I also want to just go home.


    It's been a couple of days now, And we still haven't really found the reason why Will is still like this. Sometimes he acts weird, Or even give an attitude to everyone!

    Owens asked Joyce for something that can help us find the situation to this, And it was those drawings that Will and I did.

    They said that the drawings may help. Hopper went to go get the drawings, So we all waited for quite a while.

    I did a little sigh, And just played with my hair.

    Hopper made it, And put the drawings down. We were all in a different room, Where there was a huge table! "Alright, Will. Can you do something with these drawings that can help us?" "Sure." Will replied, Grabbing a couple of the drawings.

    He than began to make the map again! "This isn't going to help." One of the scientists said. "Than make that door over there hit your mouth, So you can shut that mouth of yours up." Owens said, Looking back at Will. "Done." Will said, Sitting up. "This is hop-" "Shut up!" We all yelled. "Alright. Now let's get to work everyone, This is helpful enough." Owens said, Walking out of the room. I got Confused, And walked up to Mike. "What're they gonna do?" I questioned. "They're going to go to the tunnels." Mike replied.

    They're going to the tunnels....? I blinked, And rubbed my eyes. They really are going to the tunnels.

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