ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 9.

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**• 𝕐/ ; 𝕠𝕧. •**
"What? What are you talking about?" I questioned, Getting Confused. "A girl said that my Mike was developing feelings for you." "Developing?" "You know what I mean!" El yelled.

"But I don't!" I replied. 'Why is she acting like this?' I thought. El got even more mad, And threw me just like the first time I saw her. I hit the ground, And got up.

"I didn't do anything! And he acts rude to me, So this girl must be saying things that aren't true?" I said. El scoffed, And looked away.

"Go." El said, Walking away. "No! I want us to still be sisters! And I don't like Mike! I....I like someone else!" I said. "I didn't ask! Just go!" El yelled, Starting to fade away. "Sis!" I yelled, Running up to her. But she was now gone. I felt down to my knees, And began to cry. "El! Sis!" I yelled, Wanting for her to come back. She was the only 1 who comforted me, Sense the very beginning....

"Sis!" I yelled, Looking around. I was back In my room? Uh oh! Hopefully no one heard my yelling. I wiped away my tears, But more continued to fall down my eyes.

"I want Sis back...." I whispered, Covering my mouth. "Y/N! Are you alright?!" Dustin questioned, Running inside my room.

I jumped, And looked to the side. "Are you okay?" Dustin repeated.

I nodded no, And cried even louder. "Dustin! Is everything alright?!" "Ya! Everything is alright!" Dustin replied.

"Okay!" Mom said. Dustin sighed, And ran up to me quickly. He gave me a hug, And tried to comfort me. "What even happened?" Dustin questioned, Looking at me. "I lost my sister...." I whispered. "What?" This time, I stayed quiet. "Okay, You don't have to answer than. I'm not gonna force you. Anyways, I have something to give to you." Dustin said, Looking at me. I wiped away my tears, And looked at him. "Follow me." Dustin said, Running out of my room.

    I nodded, And followed him. I was now in his room. "Sense you got a backpack now. I was thinking of giving you these clips." Dustin said, Showing me the clips. I looked at them, Than at Dustin.

    "Put them at any spot you want in your backpack, Alright?" Dustin questioned. I smiled, And nodded.

    I ran out of Dustin's room, And went back to mine's. I put the clips at my backpack, And looked on how my backpack looks's now!

"Pretty...." I whispered, Doing a soft smile. "Guys! It's getting late, And Tomorrow is Halloween! So time to eat dinner, Then go to sleep." I heard mom say. 'Halloween?' I thought, Getting Confused. "Okay!" I replied, Walking out of my room. I walked to the kitchen, And sat down across from Dustin. I looked at my food, And began to eat.

I finished eating, And put my fork down. "Finish." I said, Looking at mom. "Okay.
You may get ready to go to sleep, Now. Remember Dustin, wake up Y/N. Alright?" Mom questioned, Looking at Dustin.

"Huh? Ya, Sure!" Dustin replied, Swallowing his food.

I smiled, And left the kitchen. "Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight!" Mom And Dustin replied. I walked to my room, And closed my door. I went up to my dresser, And looked at all the clothes that I had. 'Mom said she got me new clothes, So I now probably have pajamas?' I thought, Still searching. I found something comfortable, And grabbed the pajamas.

    I changed into the pajamas, And got my bed ready. I turned off my lights, And got on my bed. I laid down, And put the blanket over me. I smiled, And closed my eyes. I than drifted off to sleep....

**• 𝔼𝕝 ; 𝕆𝕍. •**
   It was nighttime, And I finally made it back to the cabin. I looked up, And saw Hopper. I stopped walking, Than sighed. I continued to walk, And walked up on the steps. I opened the door fully, And walked in. I was walking back to my room, And heard a huge slam behind me. I was about to close my bedroom door, Till Hopper stopped me. "So, Where did you go? Huh?" Hopper questioned, Leaning on the wall. I rolled my eyes, And took off my jacket.

    "You went to find Mike didn't you?" "Not just him. But Y/N too." I replied. Hopper sighed, Which caused me to get even more annoyed. "But did anyone see you?" Hopper questioned.

    "No....?" "Don't lie." Hopper said. "I'm not!" I yelled.

    "You know what? You're grounded. And this time I mean it!" Hopper yelled back, Walking out of my room.

    I sighed, And hit the wall with my fist. "You're no longer gonna eat waffles as a breakfast, Or dinner no more!" Hopper said, Which caught my attention. 'What?' I thought. "And no more TV." Hopper said, About to turn off the TV.

    I got mad, And used my powers which caused him to not pick up the TV. "Kid, Stop." Hopper said. I looked at Hopper, And nodded no. "Fine. You'll be grounded for 3 months." Hopper said. I used my powers, And caused the same thing to happen again. "Oh my god kid, Stop!" Hopper yelled. "No." I replied. "Fine. You'll get no TV at all!" Hopper yelled, Ripping off the cord. "No!" I yelled, Running up to the TV. "No....!" I said, Trying to turn on the TV.

    "I hate you!" I yelled, Looking at Hopper. "Ya, I'm not so crazy about you either. Cause your a brat!" Hopper replied, Picking up a book.

    "Here, Why don't you search it up. B. R. A . T! Brat." Hopper said, Throwing the book at me. I jumped, And quickly raised my hand. The book Than stopped moving, And was now floating. Hopper looked at me shocked, And stayed quiet. I threw the book at him, And backed up. Hopper jumped, And threw the book before it can even hit him. "Hey!" Hopper yelled, Running up to me.

    I marched back to my room, And made the shelf fall. I made it to my room, And turned around. I lifted up my arm, And caused the door to slam.

    "Hey! Open the damn door!" Hopper yelled. I leaned onto the wall, And slowly fell down till I hit the ground. I than began to cry, And folded my arms. "Open the door! And group up already!" Hopper yelled. "Leave me alone!!" I yelled, Causing everything to break. I covered my face, And continued to cry. 'I just want to be free....!' I thought, Crying even more. Everything was now silent, And I got up. I got up on my bed, And laid down. I than slowly drifted off to bed.

**• 𝕄𝕚𝕜𝕖 ; 𝕆𝕍. •**
I was in my room, Putting my costume on my table. I sighed, And sat down on my bed. Thinking about what Max was telling me. 'She was just saying those words just to make me mad. Nothing else!' I thought, Sighing. I got my bed ready, And laid down.

'What if those words that she was telling me....true? No. I'm not developing feeling for Y/N! No way.' I thought.

I got tired of thinking, And closed my eyes. I don't know....I'm probably am developing feeling for Y/N.

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