ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 8.

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**• 𝔼𝕝 ; 𝕆𝕍. •**
    I was in my room, Knowing that Hopper was getting ready to go to work.

    I scoffed, And impatiently waited for him to leave. I'm gonna go find sis, And see how she's doing. Hopper took all the blindfolds, And hid them. So I can no longer go to my mind quickly.

    I heard footsteps coming closer, And stood quiet. "El." I heard Hopper say. "What." I replied, Sternly.

    "I'm sorry for the little argument that we had, I really am." Hopper apologized. "Just go." I said. "What?" "Go!" I yelled, Causing the stuff around me to shake.

    Hopper stood quiet, And I heard a door close. I sighed, And put my jacket on. I walked out of my room, And walked up to the front door. I made all the locks unlock, And opened the door. "Dustin's house...." I whispered. 'I think I know where that it.' I thought, Starting to walk.

**• 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡. •**

    I looked up, And saw the house that Y/N now lives in. I did a little smile, And walked up to the house. I looked at 1 of the windows, And peeked Inside. It look's like a girls room? I looked to the side, And saw Y/N! She was sleeping, Though. I felt some sadness in me, And backed away from the window. 'I Now wanna see Mike....' I thought, Starting to walk away from the house. "School. School....where's school?" I questioned. "Hey! Are you lost?" I heard from behind me.

    I jumped, And turned around. It was just a women, And a young little boy. "Uh....yes? Where's the school?" I questioned. "School? Well, It's over there." The lady said, Pointing at a direction.

    I looked towards the direction, And nodded. "Thank you." I said, Continuing to walk again. "Wait! We're your parents?" The lady questioned. I stopped walking, And turned around. "Gone." I replied, Going back to Walking.

    I looked to the side, And saw the School building.

    I walked up to the building, And saw bike's. I walked up to the bike's, And saw 1 that seemed familiar. I walked up to the bike, And it was Mike's bike! I sighed, And walked inside the school building. I walked around, And tried to find Mike. I heard talking, And followed the noise. It led to a Gym. I walked up to the Gym doors, And leaned at the door.

    I saw Mike! But he was also with another girl....Mike looked mad! They were talking, So I decided to listen in.

**• 𝕄𝕚𝕜𝕖 ; 𝕆𝕍. •**
    "Oh my god, Max! Won't you just leave me alone?!" I yelled, Trying to get away from Max.
"I know you're developing feelings for Y/N, Though. I mean, Who wouldn't?! She's really nice." Max said, While skating on her skateboard. "She's weird. And I don't think no one would like someone like her." I replied, Rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Than why are you developing feelings for her?" Max questioned, In a sarcastic tone. "I'm not!" I yelled, Having enough.

    "Mike, Please. I see how mad you get at that time when Will and Y/N were playing games together, In the Arcade." Max said.

    I rolled my eyes, And was about to leave the Gym.

    "Admit it! Admit it!" Max yelled, Spinning around with her skateboard. "Oh my god...." I whispered. Right when Max was gonna repeat the same thing again, She fell off of her skateboard. And hit the ground.

    "Woah! Are you alright?!" I yelled, Bending down towards Max. I grabbed her hand, And helped her get back up. While I was doing that, I felt as if someone was watching me? I don't know. "Are you okay?" I repeated. "Ya, I'm....fine. But it felt as if a force of gravity pushed me back! I know that sounds weird." Max said, Grabbing her skateboard.

    'Force of gravity?' I thought, Turning towards the Entrance if the Gym doors.

**• 𝔼𝕝 ; 𝕆𝕍. •**
    Mike looked towards my direction, And I quickly began to walk off. 'What does that girl mean by Mike likening sis? Is it true? No, He like's me. He even proved it to me.' I thought, Looking down.

    I exited the building, And began to walk back to the cabin.

    I looked up, And the sun was starting to go down a bit. I sighed, And walked faster. 'I don't know what that girl really means. But, I need to talk to Y/N. I need to talk to 013.' I thought, Feeling anger a bit.

    I closed my eyes, And walked faster than ever. "I'm gonna get in big trouble if I don't walk even more faster...." I whispered, Knowing that I will get in trouble if I don't get to the cabin quick.

**• 𝕐/ ; 𝕠𝕧. •**
I was still napping, Till I woke up. But, I didn't woke up in my room. I woke up in the void!

I slowly got up from the shallow water ground, And began walk. 'Why am I Here?' I thought. "I can only be here if I want to, Or if someone like me wants to talk. Talk to me." I whispered, Getting a bit nervous. 'It's probably El who wants to talk to me! Just like old times.' I thought, Walking a bit faster.

I stopped walking when I saw the same person from last time. El! "Sis!" I yelled, Running up to her. When I did, She just started to fade away till she was gone! 'What....?' I thought, Yelling for her to come back. I woke up, And sat up on my bed. "I'm....back?" I whispered, Looking around my room. "Y/N! Dustin is back from school!" I heard mom yell. I got up from my bed, And ran out of my room. I walked up to the living room, And saw Dustin. "Hi Y/N!" "Hello." I replied, Smiling. "Hey, Y/N. Do you want to show Dustin your finished room?" Mom questioned.

I looked at mom, And nodded. I ran to my room, While Dustin was following along. Dustin saw my room, And looked amazed! "Woah! This room has a ton of detail." Dustin said, Looking around.

I looked at Dustin, And nodded. "Well, Good Room. I'm gonna go do my homework now, Alright?" Dustin questioned.

"Homework?" "Ya. It's something that school gives us." Dustin explained. "I'm gonna have homework too then?" "What?" Dustin questioned.

"Mom signed you up for school?!" Dustin said in surprise. "Yes." I nodded. "That's cool!" Dustin yelled, Smiling. "Anyways, I really have to do my homework now." "Okay, Bye." "Bye!" Dustin said, Leaving my room.

I sat down on the ground, And hugged my legs. I closed my eyes, And tried to concentrate on whoever was trying to communicate with me. But I think it's just El, Who wants to talk. I opened my eyes, And looked around. 'Time to start looking for her.' I thought, Starting to walk.

I saw someone from afar, And ran. "Sis!" I yelled, Running up to her. It is her! I recognize the clothing! I made it up to her, And her hands were folded into a fist. "Sis! You wanted to talk?" I questioned. El looked at me, And she was mad. "I don't want you to call me that, Unless what I heard wasn't true." El said.

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