ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 27.

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^*• 𝕐/ℕ 𝕀𝕚 ℙ𝕠𝕧. •*^
    "Will! Please! Just try to remember us! What's wrong?!" Joyce yelled, To Will who is now strapped into a chair.

    This isn't working. Whatever is inside of him, Is making him not remember us!

    "This won't help, Joyce. We need to do something else that could probably work." I said, Walking up to her. "You're right. But wh-" "Will!" Mike yelled, Interrupting Joyce. "What?" Hopper questioned.

    "Look at him!" Mike said, Pointing at Will. We all looked at him, And saw his eyes closed. It looked like he was visioning something, That we can't see.

    'Uh oh....' I thought. "This isn't good. He knows where we are." Hopper said. "Shoot!" Joyce said, Grabbing the vaccine. Joyce gave Will the liquid, And he went unconscious. We all ran out of the little shed, And ran back to the house.

    "What's going on?" Nancy questioned, Seeing all of us in panic.

    "We have to get ready for battle." Hopper said, Grabbing another gun. "Do you know how to use this?" Hopper questioned, Looking at Johnathon.

    "What?" "Do you know how to use this?!" "I do." Nancy said, Walking in front of Johnathon. Hopper nodded, And gave Nancy the gun.

    We all grabbed a weapon, And gathered up together. Everything was now quiet. While I was with everyone, I had a sense that someone was near. El? 'She's here.' I thought.

    I blinked, And ran out of the house. "Y/N!" "Thirteen!" "What're you Doing?!" "Come back!" I heard. I ignored, And continued to run towards the sense. "El?! El, Where are you?!" I said, Looking around. "Y/N?!" I heard. I looked behind me, And saw El! She look's very different. She look's like a....punk! We both smiled, And hugged.

Not even remembering that fight that we had. "Where have you been?" I questioned, Not hugging no more. "I want to go find someone, That is also like ya! Abilities." El replied. I just nodded.

We both heard growling, And looked around. The demo dogs are near. "We need to fight." I said. El looked at me, And nodded. We both began to use our powers, And El used her telekinesis to throw the demo dogs around. I used my event powers to freeze, And burn the demo dogs. The last one charged right at me, And I made a vine appear out of the ground, And grab the demo dog. I than threw the demo dog, To Joyce's window.

We both wiped the blood that was falling from our nose, And walked back to Joyce's house.

The door was now locked, For some reason. I looked at El, And she already knew what I was gonna ask for. She walked in front of me, And began to use her powers.

"The door is unlocked now." El said, Nodding. We both nodded, And opened the door. We then walked inside.

    Everyone looked at El and I, Shocked! Hopper our his gun down, And looked at me. He than looked at El.

    El looked to the side, And saw Mike appear from behind Hopper.

    El and Mike stared at each other, With tears forming from their eyes. I watched El run up to Mike, And they both hugged. I smiled, And walked up to Hopper.

^*• 𝔼𝕝 𝕀𝕀 ℙ𝕆𝕍. •*^
    I smiled, From finally hugging Mike after a very long time. We both stopped, And Mike wiped away my tears. "I never gave up on you! Never. I kept on calling you f-" "356 days? I heard." I said, Interrupting Mike.

    Mike looked at me shocked. "You've heard?" Mike questioned. I smiled, a And just nodded softly.

    "Than why haven't you told me that you where there? I thought you were okay." Mike said. "Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper said, Walking up to us.

    "Where have you been?" Hopper said. "Where have you been." I said, Sternly. We then hugged. "You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike yelled, Pushing Hopper. "Woah! Hey!" Hopper yelled, Stopping Mike by grabbing him. "Let's talk." Hopper said, Walking to Will's room. Mike huffed, And followed Hopper.

    I put my hands in my pocket, And sighed. I looked up, And saw Dustin and Lucas walk up to me, And I ran up to them to give the both of them a hug. "We missed you." Lucas said. "I've missed the two of you as well." I said, Not giving them a hug no more. "We talked about you almost every day." Dustin said. I smiled, And nodded. "Hi." I heard. I looked between Lucas and Dustin, And saw that same girl that was talking to my Mike. "I'm Max. I've heard a lot about you." Max said, Wanting  to do a handshake.

    I looked down, And just pushed right past her. Max looked shocked, And stayed quiet. I saw Joyce, And ran up to her.

    "Hey, Sweetie." Joyce said, Putting her hands on my shoulders.

    I smiled, At the warm embrace. "May I please see him?" I said, Wanting to see Will. I saw that he hasn't been doing well. Joyce looked down, Than back at me Nodding. Joyce led me to the other living room, And I saw Will unconscious.

    I sat down on the floor, And looked at Will. "He hasn't been getting any better." Joyce said. "I know. I saw.." I said, In a soft voice. "You've saw?" "Yes." I replied. "Oh...." Joyce said, Looking away. I sighed, And got up. I walked up to the table, Wanting to at least have a seat and rest. Right when I was about to, There was a piece of cardboard on the table with writing on it. I got Confused, And looked at what it said. "Close gate." I whispered.

    Joyce saw me staring at the words, And walked up to me. Y/N saw Joyce and I, And walked up to me as well. "You've opened this gate before, Right?" "Yes." I replied, A bit of a whisper. "Well, Do you think that you can close it? Please?" Joyce said, I looked at her. And didn't say a single word.


^*• 𝕐/ℕ 𝕀𝕚 ℙ𝕠𝕧. •*^
    "Be safe, Joyce. Alright?" "Right." "And as for you Johnathon. Do you remember the drill?" Hopper questioned.

    "Yes. Call you when everything is finished." Johnathon said, Nodding. "Good." Hopper said, Walking back to the house. I followed, And we walked inside.

    I saw Dustin, And walked up to him. "Did she made her decision?" I questioned, Hoping that El find made up her mind if she wanted to close the gate or not.

    "Sadly, No. She hasn't." Dustin replied, Sadly. "Oh, Okay...." I said in a whisper, Walking away. She's scared. I know she's scared to close the gate! You know what? That's it. I'll close the gate.

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