ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ; 17.

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^*• Y/N || POV. •*^
    "You promise?" Will said, Shaking up a little. I nodded, And smiled. "Yes, Promise." I replied, In a very soft voice.

    Will did a little smile back, And looked at the other's. "So they wouldn't hurt me either?" Will questioned. "No. None of them will hurt you Sense, They're are trying to help you as well." I said, Looking at Joyce And Hopper.

    "Okay." Will replied, Looking away from them again. "Now. Can you tell us what's goi-" "Time." I said, Interrupting Hopper.

    "What?" "Time." I repeated. "Uh, Sweetie? What is that suppose to mean, Exactly?" Joyce questioned, With a weird smile. "Give Will time. He doesn't like to be rushed." I explained, Looking at Will for a bit. "Oh! That's what you mean?" "Yes." I said, Turning back to Will. "Can you draw something to show us what's been happening? And you can take as long as you want! We'll give you your time." I said, To Will.

    Will looked at me, And nodded. "Thank you."  Will said, Only for me to hear. I mouthed 'your welcome', And saw Will get up from the bed which Confused me.

    Will got a ton of blank pieces of paper, And crayons. He then sat on his chair, And began to take the crayons out.

    "Uh, Will? What're you gonna do?" Joyce questioned. I than immediately knew what Will was doing, And spoke up. "He's drawing on what he sees." I said, Not taking my eye out of the paper that he is about to draw on.

    "Oh?" Joyce replied, Obviously not understanding to what I mean. "He's gonna describe his problems by drawing them, Instead of speaking." I said, Hoping that Joyce understands in what I mean. "Oh, I understand now." Joyce said, Putting a thumbs up. I got Confused to what she just did, But nodded. I looked back at Will's drawings, And he is already done coloring four papers!

    I looked closely at the papers, And saw my vision immediately turn black.

'What's going on? Why can't I see anything?!' I thought, Starting to panic. I than started to get my vision back, And looked around.

'Where am I?' I thought, Not realizing where I am. There's vines everywhere, And white little substances floating around. It seemed as if I was in a tunnel?

I began to walk, Wanting at least someone to tell me where I am! While I was walking, I heard growling. And looked up. "Woah...." I whispered, In shock to what I am seeing right now!

" I whispered, In shock to what I am seeing right now!

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"What is that.....?" I said, Not taking my eye off to what I am seeing right now. 'Wait! I know what all this is now! What Will is drawing. A map!' I thought, Looking around. "I'm in a tunnel." I whispered. I closed my eyes, And tried my best to go back to reality. I opened my eyes, And saw that I was now back! I looked around, And saw everyone looking at me shocked! Except for Will Sense, He's really paying attention to what he is drawing.

"Are you Alright Y-" "Tunnels!" I said, Getting up from sitting on the bed. That caught Will's attention, And looked at me.

"What?" Hopper questioned, Which caused me to look at him. "I'll show you! May I help, Will?" I questioned. "Um, Sure?" Will replied, Giving me some crayons. I smiled, And began to draw what is seen.


    "Finish!" I said, Piling all the papers. "Wait! What're you doing with the drawings?" Will questioned. "I'm gonna go connect them." I said, Running out of the room. Mike woke up, And saw me run out of the room.

    "Wait up!" Mike yelled, Running after me. Joyce And Hopper jumped, And began to run out of the room as well.

    Will got Confused, But followed me. Will saw me putting the papers into a map, And spoke up. "You saw?" "Ya! Can all of you help me connect them together please?" I questioned, Looking at the other's.

    "Uh, Sure." Hopper said, Grabbing some of the pieces of paper. Joyce grabbed some too, And began to connect the papers.

^*• Dustin || POV. •*^
    "Alright! We're finally done!" Steve said, Looking at the broken bus that we made Into a base. "Finally...." Max said, Putting her hair out of her face.

"Good job, Kid's." "Kids?" Max said, Looking at Steve. "Just rule along with it, Alright?" Steve said, Looking at Max. "Alright, Jeez." Max replied, Rolling her eyes. "Anyways! Any of you want to go get something to eat, Than come back?" Steve questioned, Looking at everyone. "Ya!" We all replied. "Well, Get in the car Than." Steve said, Unlocking the car. We all nodded, And got inside. "Got your seatbelts?" Steve questioned.

"Ya!" We all replied, To Steve. "Okay, Let's go." Steve said, Starting to drive.


We made it to Benny's, And got out of the car. "Jeez. Remember what happened here, In this place Lucas?" I questioned, Looking at him.

"Yup! That was just a very grief day." Lucas replied, Walking inside the restaurant. We both sat down, And began to look through the menu. "Oh, Dustin!" "Ya, Max?" I said, Looking at Max. "Where's Y/N? She wasn't here today for school." Max said. "Oh, Ya....she said she didn't wanted to come today! I don't know why though." I replied.

"Oh...." Max said, Looking away now. I nodded, And looked down at the table. "Are any of you ready to order yet?" We both hear. We all looked to the side, And It was a new worker.

"Ya." We all said. "Okay. What would you all like?" "Hamburgers." Steve replied. "Okay, Than. I'll be back with your foods." The worker said, Walking away. We all nodded, And stayed quiet the entire time.

^*• El || POV. •*^
"Will this be good enough for you?" Becky questioned, Showing me a white blindfold. "Mhm. Yes." I replied, Looking up at her.

"Okay, Let's do this Than." Becky said, Getting up from the chair. I nodded, And followed Becky.

I sat down on my knees across from mom, And grabbed the blindfold. I tied the blindfold around me, And sighed. I played with my fingers, And concentrated.

I opened my eyes, And looked around. "Where is she?" I whispered, Looking around. I heard yelling, And turned around. "Mom?!" I yelled, Running up to her. She fell to the ground, And I immediately held onto her belly. "Mom! Mom, What do I do?" I yelled, Starting to panic. "Hey. It's going to be okay!" I heard. I looked to the side Confused, And saw....Becky? She look's a bit different, For some reason. I looked back at mom, And everything seemed to have turned black.

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