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Everything was a blur once the door flew. You felt a sharp burning pain in your side and heard yourself scream. "YN!" You heard a familiar voice yell. You couldn't quite make out who it belonged to becuase you were losing consciousness fast. You fell to your knees and looked at your hand. It was covered in blood. "Cas get her out of here!" You heard the same voice yell. You felt Cas pick you "I got you," Cas gently said as he started to move. "Sam!" You faintly heard a female voice. "You too Maggie! Get out of here! I got him!" "Are you sure?" The tone in Cas voice sounded like he wasnt sure Sam could handle him. You, in your almost unconscious state of mind, weren't sure if Sam could take him either. "Dont kill him. We cant risk losing dean." With that you felt Cas move again and the darkness engulfed you.《》When you woke up you noticed you were in the infirmary of the bunker. You slowly start to get up but the pain in your side made you stop. You looked down and moved your shirt out of the way, not even caring that someone changed you. You saw that someone had carefully wrapped it up and was guessing it was Maggie. You looked up mustered what strength you had and climbed out of the bed. You ignored the pain once you stood up. You painfully walked towards the door and when you got to the doorway you saw Maggie sitting down at the library table. She looked up when she saw you. "Oh no you dont," she stood up and made her way towards you. "You need to be laying down. That was a nasty wound i had to clean up." You glared at her while you held onto the door frame for support. "Bite me," you said through your teeth. "Where is he?" You asked. Maggie bit her lip and shuffled her feet around. "Maggie? Where is he?" You pushed away from the door frame and grabbed Maggie's arm. "7B," she said. "Take me," your legs began to feel like jello. "YN I dont think that's a good idea. They him hooked up to wires and stuff." You took your free hand and grabbed her shoulder. "Maggie, please!" Maggie wrapped one arm around you and lead you to him. "What are you doing out of bed?" You looked up and saw Cas walking towards you. "So much for the healing," you say. "I was just headed that way. Maggie was instructed to clean you up until I was free. The damage Michael did to your side requires a focused mind YN." You breathe deep and remember Michael talking to you. You remember how he gently but firmly grabbed your side drove his blade into your side. "I need to see him,Cas." You stared at the angel and you could tell that he too believed it to be a bad idea. "YN, just because michael is contained doesnt mean its going to help dean come back. For all we know Dean's soul was burned out." "I dont care," you almost yell. "Take me to see him!" Cas took a deep breath and took Maggie's place. He walked you the rest of the way to 7B. "Oh please," you heard the familiar voice of dean but it wasnt dean. "I've got dean contained. He doesnt even know what's going on. Hes too deep in his mind to tell whats real or what's fake." You and cas entered the room. Sam was standing next to a wire box and staring at Michael who had a few attached to his face. "Well well," he spotted you and smiled that smile that sent shivers down that sent shivers down your spine. "What done have here? You think a broken person like yourself will be able to free him?" Sam turned around. "Cas, we can't use her." "We aren't using her. She wanted to see him." You painfully pushed away from from cas and made your way to the empty chair in front of Michael. "Maybe I should've just sliced you up some and let you die," Michael taunted you. "You know you couldn't," you said not taking your gaze off him. "You couldn't risk letting dean take over. He cares about me and probably would have killed you and himself." Michael leaned back. He knew that you spoke the truth. Dean would have done it even if it were Sam in your shoes. "Sam hook me up," you knew you needed to go in. You knew michael and dean better than anyone. "YN, I dont think this is a good idea." Sam's voice wasnt sure. "For the love of God if one more person says that this isnf a good idea I'm going to kill them. Now freaking hook me up to this thing, sam." Sam grabbed the extra wires. "I'm going in with you," sam said. "Nope." You positioned yourself so your side wasn't hurting anymore. "Give me 15 minutes before you charge on in." Sam pressed a few buttons. "10 minutes." With that Sam flipped a switch. You felt a small shock to your brain and you drifted off into unconsciousness.

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