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You guys made it to Kanasa City in a few hours. Dean wanted you to stay back but of course you didnt listen so he was irritated with you. Sam thought it was a good idea too but there wasnt time to argue because you finished packing and went straight to the impala. You texted Cas most of the way about the block failing and how you could hear Michael in time head now. At this point you didnt care what he heard in your head. All you wanted was for it to be gone. You got out of the impala and walked to the front office of the hotel cas told you guys Anael saw Michael at. "Room 1450. Just walk in and go straight past the guest desk and into the ballroom." You turned back to see dean looking at you, you smiled and opened your mouth. "And dont think about telling the Winchesters." You closed your mouth and huffed. Everything in you wanted to punch the archangel but you knew that he knew already. You turned and walked into the building and pasted the front desk. You looked at a the signs above pointing you to the hotel's ballroom. You got to the door and took a deep breath before you entered. When you walked in you saw a set up of tables and chairs. The table in the middle was occupied by the man from your vision. "Michael?" You called out as you walked into the room. The man looked up and it was him. Your heart raced as you continued to approach him. "YN," he said and walked towards you. "You're here," he smiled and when he was a foot in front of you he grabbed hold of your hands. "I didnt have a choice," you said. "But since I'm here, I need to ask you something." You pulled you hands back and crossed your arms. "I need you to remove whatever mind connection you have going on. My mind feels severely violated." You cracked a small smile. "The dream thing we had was so much better." Michael tilted his head and looked at you. "You're trying to hide something are you?" You laughed "what makes you say that?" Your mind had been open the whole time for him. Everything possible crossed your mind. Michael closed the gap between you two and placed his hands on your face. You saw his eyes glow and yours locked with his. You felt him maneuver around your mind. In your memories. Suddenly the door to the ballroom was kicked open. The moment you broke your eye contact with Michael you saw sam and dean armed. The next second Michael had you trapped with an arm firmly around you and an angel blade to your neck. "Not another step or I kill her." Michael hissed towards the winchesters. You stared at dean who took another step towards you. "You won't kill her," he said. "You love her. You need her. If you didnt, you would have killed her already." The blade on your neck pressed a little deeper into your neck. "Dont underestimate me Winchester." Michael growled. "I'm not." Dean took a few more steps towards. "I love YN too." Dean stopped and you saw him blink a few times. "Perfect," you heard michael whispered. Your gut told you that this was a trap and you were the bait. Dean took another step and stopped and squeezed his eyes shut. "Dean," you called. You felt the blade press harder on your neck. "Its a trap." Dean looked up at you and then locked eyes with Michael. You saw his body straighten and tense up. The vessel michael used fell to the ground. You looked down and just saw a man slowly breathing. "Dean?" You heard Sam's voice. Honestly you forgot be was there. You were too focused on being held hostage and focusing on dean. You felt eyes on you and you slowly turned around. There stood dean. But it wasn't dean, you knew all to well that it was Michael. "Michael?" You whispered. Michael looked at you and slowly turned towards Sam. "Now I can finish what I started." Michael snapped his fingers and Sam fell to the ground holding his chest and gasping for breath. "Sam!" You yelled and ran towards him but Michael's hand grabbed you by the neck and lifted you up. "But before I kill him. Tell me, did you sleep with dean before or after you slept with me?" You clawed at Michael's hand and stared at sam who was still trying to breath. "Before." You gasped. "Stop. This. Leave. I. Cant. Breathe." You gasped every word out. Your vision was getting blurry. Michael let you go. You fell to the ground and held your neck. You heard michael snap his fingers. Sam started to breathe again but you saw his eyes cloud up and he grabbed his side and screamed. "Stop!" You yelled. "Please dont kill him!" Michale kneeled next to you. "Why?" His voice was cold and it sent shivers down your spine. "I'll do anything. Just let Sam live." Michael lifted your chin up. "Why should I believe you?" You looked at Sam who stared at you. Then your turned your gaze to Michael. "Because," you reached your hand out and touched his face. "I love you." Before you let michael say anything or react you leaned towards him and kissed him. You pulled back and looked into his eyes. For a split second you thought you saw dean. "Please stop this. I'll go with you. What more do I have to do?" Michael snapped his fingers again and this time Sam's eyes went back to normal and his hand fell to his side. He began to breathe normally. You smiled and as you did, Michael touched your shoulder and you found yourself no longer at the hotel.

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