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Once you guys got back to the bunker thr next day, as was there and pulled you aside. Told Sam and Dean he needed to check the blocking spell. Cas walked you to the opposite side of the bunker and you knew it wasn't for the blocking spell. "Does dean know?" Cas asked you. "Know what?" You asked back. "You know," cas looked behind you and so did you. You were confused. "No I dont Cas. You gotta help me out with this." Cas took a deep breath and looked at you. "You and Michael " he finally said after a few minutes. "Oh" You shuffled your feet and lick your lips. "That." You crossed your arms and looked at cas. "He doesnt?" Cas asked. He looked surprised and you, you didnt think to even mention it to dean. "No," you said quietly. "And you won't tell him. Okay? It has to come from me." Cas nodded. "Okay, but what happens if he finds out from Michael or if he figures it out?" "Then he does and I'll tell him it was a dream becuase it was a dream." Cas looked down "YN, when an angel and human are connected this way it's real no matter what." You stayed quiet because you knew Cas was right. "Just dont say anything okay?" "I won't, I promise." Cas rubbed his face. "Now let me take a look at that block. I need to make sure its all good still." You lifted your shirt up enough for Cas to place his hand on the mark. You watched as Cas's eyes furrowed. "The block seems to be wearing off," cas sounded confused. "What?" You asked shocked. "How?" Cas was quiet which meant be was thinking. But you didnt have time for his thinking. "Cas!" Cas looked up at you and took his hands off the mark. "I dont know how but the block is slowly fading. I was able to strengthen it some. Thankfully. Hopefully itll hold." You nodded "it better." You went to find the guys while Cas talked about possible locations Michael could be at. You found them, of course, in the kitchen. "Hey what took so long?" Dean asked. He was putting together two sandwiches. "Cas had to redo the block. It was fading." You looked back at Cas who just stood there. "What would be making the block fade?" Sam asked. "We dont know," Cas replied. "When Raphael did this angel human spell the block was on the human for two days before they killed themselves." The kitchen got quiet. Dean looked at you and you looked down at the ground. Sam hung his head. "So this block will make YN kill herself? Great." Dean put down the tomato and knife and walked out of the kitchen. You head the door to his room slam. "I'll go check on him," you said and finished the sandwiches and when you walked passed Sam stopped you. "He may need a minute," he said. "Sam," you said firmly. "He doesnt need to be alone. Also check out Kansas City. That's where I saw michael last in my dream." You pushed passed Sam and walked to Dean's room. You tried to open it but it was locked. "Dean! Open up," you pounded on the door. "YN," you head dean say. "Not right now. I'll find you later." "I guess ill just eat your sandwich then," you yelled at him and walked to your room. "And maybe that last slice of pie that's in the fridge too." Once you were in the room before you could even set the food down dean already had your back to the wall. You smiked teasingly at him "there we go," you passed thr sandwich to dean who took without breaking eye contact. "Dont touch the pie," he whispered and the way he whispered sent shivers down your spine. Dean kissed you gently before pushing away from the wall and walking away. You grabbed his arm. "Dean," he looked at you. You could see the pain already in his eyes. "Whatever happens to me its not your fault." Dean looked away. "I said yes to get us win and it backfired. Now I get to watch the woman I love die by her own hands. And you tell me its not my fault." You touched his face. "It was my fault. I went after you when Sam told me not to. I went into your head when everyone said not to. This wouldn't have happened if I wasnt too stubborn and hit headed to get you back." Dean smirked. "Well let's not forget what came out of those two things." Dean cupped your chin and kissed you. "We found him," Sam's voice made you guys break apart. "Next time close the door. " "who?" Dean asked. "Michael."

"YN gave us a tip from her dreams and it actually panned out." Sam walked you guys to the library. Cas was sitting at the table on the phone. "Any news?" Sam asked Cas. "Anael says shes got an eye on him at some hotel. She doesn't want to risk getting caught so shes high tailing it out of there." "Figures," you and Anael didnt get along. In fact Anael tried to convince you to let her take your body. For an angel she was smart but stupid. "YN, not now." Dean said. Dean knew of your dislike for the angel. You threw your hands up in surrender. "She did say downtown though." Cas said and got up. "I'll make my way down there tonight. You guys rest and we can meet up tomorrow afternoon or evening." Cas looked at you and then dean. "YN you should probably tell dean about that connection." You never wanted to kill Cas so bad until now. Sam looked confused and excused himself to go to bed. Cas picked up his truck keys and headed out the bunker. "What the hell is Cas talking about? What connection?" Dean asked. You slowly turned to dean. "Its nothing," you said. "Cas is just reading into the dreams about Michael way too much." You turned and walked into the kitchen to get a drink. "When Cas touched that mark I guess he saw everything. My thoughts and dreams and memories from the moment the mark appeared." You turned to dean who just stood there and crossed his arms. "What would he be referring to?" You looked down and wished Cas never knew. Cas was clever. You just hoped when you told dean he would take it easy. "There was a dream of me and michael and things happened in that dream." Your heart raced as you remembered the dream. The way michael had touched you and held you. Even with the block you wanted to feel all of that again. You looked up to see that dean pieced the pieces together. "So? It's a dream right? Doesnt mean anything. Hell I've had dreams where I slept with a porn star or some girl from a bar we've been to in the past." You smiled. "That's what I've been telling Cas but he doesn't think so. I told him I'd figure it out and for him to not mention it." You grabbed a few more beers and began to walk towards your room dean followed. "Like I said it doesn't matter. Now I have a better selection of music and all sorts of fun stuff in my room." You turned back to dean and smiled. "Oh really? What kind of stuff?" You used what fingers to emphasize air quites on the word stuff. "Body oils?" Deand smile faded. "What's wrong with those?" He asked. You walked into his room and set the beers down. You opened one if the bags from the trip and pulled out one of his ties. "Sweetheart, let me show you all the ways I can make tonight and this tie fun." Dean rose an eyebrow, smiled and entered the room and closed the door. "Show me."

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