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The ride in the car was long and quite. You stared out the window most of the time thinking about Michael. You thought about the way he smiled. Even though in your mind he looked like dean that smile was so much different from the smile dean used to give you. You thought about the way he held your arm in his. You thought ankht the way he looked at you - he had gone from wanting to kill you to something else entirely. You made a mental note to ask him why if he appeared in your dream again. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didnt realize Sam and dean were trying to get your attention. You heard a loud bang that made you jump and cause your heart to race. "What the hell?" You yelled once you saw dean outside the impala. Then you realized the guys were at a gas station. The sun was setting behind dean. "You need anything?" Sam asked turning in the backseat. You looked at Sam and started to get out of the car. "I need to stretch my legs." Dean stepped aside and opened the door for you. You got out and walked passed him. "You're welcome," he called after you. "Just give her time dean," you heard sam say. You walked into the gas station and looked around and pulled a few things off the shelf. You grabbed a fountain cup and started to fill it up. Dean walked up next to you and you stiffened up. You watched as the soda slowly filled up the cup. You thought you should say something but you noticed your drink spilled over some. "Crap," you whispered. You pulled the drink to the side. You looked at dean who was holding out a few napkins. You took them and smiked at him. He smiled back. "You're welcome." Dean said. You took you snacks and drink and waited in line. While waiting in line you felt Dean's presence behind you. You felt him get closer "you dont need to say anything. I just want to say that I'll wait for you to be ready to talk to me again." With that dean grabbed your snacks and somehow your drink all the while holding his ans Sam's and paid for them. Within a few minutes you all were back on the road listening to music. Sam looked back at you and mouthed "what's up with the music?" You shrugged because before arriving to the gas station there was no music. Meaning that dean was in a mood and when he has music in he was in a good mood. Having it on made it feel like old times.

You guys arrived at the motel and checked in. Dean came back to the car and started to pull bags out. "We got the last room. But bad news. Only two beds and they were out of cots. They're a small couch so sammy, we'll have to battle it out who gets that." You stifle a small chuckle and follow the guys in. The room was a pretty decent size for three people. You knew you had to suck it up if you guys were to be in tight quarters. You noticed the couch. "Yeah," you set your stuff down and looked af the guys. "That thing is too small for you guys. I'll crash on it." "You sure?" Sam asked. You nodded. "Its not a big deal," you said. "I'm small and I'll fit better than you guys." Sam nodded and dean looked at you and the couch. "Well," sam said grabbing the fed suit off the bed. "I'm going to change and head on over to the sherriff station and get some answers." Dean got up and went for his. "I'll go with you." "Nope," sam said. "You and YN are staying here. You guys got to figure out what's going on with each other." With that Sam got ready and left. You stared at the floor as you sat on the couch. Maybe you should have said dean got the couch. Dean paces around a bit and sat on the couch. "We might as well just rent some shows or movies and order in and just watch stuff and let Sammy do this all on his own." You looked up and saw dean staring at you. You knew you should say something. Dean didnt deserve your silence or how your treated him and flinched whenever he was in a room with you. You took a deep breath and said what was really on your mind. "Wanna go get a drink? The bar is just around the corner." Dean sat up. He didnt smile but the look in his eyes smiled big enough that he was happy. "Thought you were going to say 'yes let's go get Game of Thrones and binge the crap of it.' But I like your idea better."

You and dean arrived at the bar a few minutes later. You guys walked in and it's not as crowded as it you thought it would on a saturday evening. You guys went straight to the bar counter and sat down. "What can I get for you guys," a very attractive man asked. "I will get a dew shots of whiskey and this lovely lady will get your house beer on tap." You smiled and stared at dean. "I am capable of ordering my own drink Winchester." Dean chuckled as the bartender handed the drinks to you guys. "I saw how you looked ar him, if I were a chick I would to. But I'm not and I have eyes for someone else." You looked at dean as he took a shot. You looked back and took a drink. "Look yn," dean started to say. "Michael made me see everything he did you. The mental torture of getting in your brain. The shocks he sent to your body. The stabbing. I tried to take control but he shoved me down so deep I couldn't tell what was right or wrong." You slowly slid your hand over the ace bandage wishing you could see Michael again. "Look dean," you began to say. "Let me finish. You showed up and tried hard to get me to see. Once you ans sam did, I was pained with guilt and I still am. I heard what michael whispered to you about being special. I told sam. We think he has a plan for you. But I'm sincerely sorry and I'm glad you're okay." "Its not your fault dean." You said taking his arm. "I should have been there and listened to you. I just, well, I was scared and nervous and everytime I saw you i saw what michael did to me." Dean nodded and smiled. "Not your fault either." From the corner of your eye you saw something in the mirror behind the bar. You flickered your eyes to get and better look. "Dean look to your left at about ten o'clock. Tell me if you see the same thing." Dean looked and looked back at you. "I see it," he said slowly drawing his gun. "You brought that?" You asked. "You didnt being yours?" "No because I wasn't expecting on fighting a ghoul with it." You hissed at him. "Well, sweetheart, get creative."

You broke a beer bottle and spun around and stabbed the ghoul who was about to charge you. Dean was taking care of the other one. His gun didnt do jack squat and he resorted to a broken bar chair. The ghoul you stabbed double backed and and ripped the broken bottle out and smiked at you. "Shit," you whispered and dove behind the bar counter to find dean. "What's the next move?" You asked him. "Maybe call sam?" Dean shook his head and pointed behind you guys. "Theres a bat and shot gun right here. Take your pick." You spun around and grabbed the shot gun while dean grabbed the bat. You both jumped up and you shot at the ghoul to your left whole dean jumped the counter and whacked the second ghoul. You had one more shot in the shot gun and used it to kill the ghoul about to charge dean. Its head exploded literally everywhere. Brain and pieces of the skull got one you and on dean. You turned to the third ghoul but it was too late. He had gotten away. Dean was pulling some ghoul from his face when you turned back to him. "Nice shot," he looked up and reached out and pulled a piece of ghoul from your hair. "Thanks!" You smiled at him. In seconds, dean slowly grabbed your face and pulled your lips to his. Before you could react dean was already pulling away. "Guess we can tell sam we made up." With that, Dean walked away and out of the bar, leaving you standing and staring.

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