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You woke up to maggie shaking you awake. "Oh thank god," she sighed. "I was about to get Sam or cas." You took a deep breath and exhaled. "Sorry," you rubbed your eyes. "Didnt mean to scare you. I was in a deep sleep I guess." Maggie chuckled. "I hope it was a good dream." She said. "You deserve it." You smile "well I hope so too, I dont remember much but a flower field." Which was a lie. You remembered your entire dream. "Well I just wanted to tell you that Dean's back and he wanted to see you." Your heart raced. "Um, give me a few to wake up fully. Then I'll be out." Maggie smiled, nodded and left the room. You sat up and went over your dream in detail. Michael somehow got into your head. You wondered how he did that. You also wondered why he was so gentle with you. But what stuck with you was that he laughed. It echoed in the back of your head and it made you smile. You pushed yourself the bed and made your way to the bathroom to freshen up. You began to pull your shirt off when you saw a marking on your side. Right where Michael had touch you too. You turned to the side and saw a hand print, much like Dean's mark on his shoulder, staring right back at you. You slowly placed your free hand over it. When you did you had this imagine of a nice room overlooking a city. As quickly as you touched it you let go. "What did you do?" You whispered to no one in particular. You quickly grabbed an ace bandage and wrapped it up so you didnt have to look at it or before someone asked questions. You quickly freshened up and made you way out of the room. Down the hall you could hear Dean's voice. But it was off. "Sam stop. I don't need to sleep. I just need to see YN." His voice sounded slurred and you closed yours eyes. "Dean," maggies voice echoed down the hall. You stopped. "I woke her up. She said she needed a minute." Dean made a noise. "Psht! So?" "Becusee she doesnt really want to see you." Sam's voice sounded firm. "What?" Dean's voice sounded sarcastic. "No! I'm a Joy to be around." "Dean!" You heard the chair push back and stumbled footsteps coming towards you. Before you could move or say something dean rounded the corner. "YN!" He exclaimed. "Hi. I really really have something to tell you." He grabbed your hips and pulled you close. "Dean," you put your hands on his chest and pushed back. "Yn, I just need to-" "dean!" You yell. "Let go!" Dean's face looked shocked and he let you go. Sam was behind him. "Come on man. Let's get you to sleep." Sam pulled dean away from you and pushed him to his room. The last thing you heard him say before the door closed was dean saying. "I just wanted to tell her I'm sorry."

It had been a few days since you yelled at dean. You avoided him becuase you didnt want to explain to him that he scared you in that moment. The first few nights he would knock on your and ask to talk. You ignored him. He would just stand there for an hour until the fourth night. "Look YN," he had said through the door. "Whenever you want to talk you know where to find me." You sat in the kitchen picking at your toast when dean walked in. He didnt notice you as he came in. You just stared at him as he grabbed leftovers from the fridge and when he turned he stopped and stared at you. You gave him a little smile and stood up to leave. "YN, stop!" Dean said taking a step towards you. You took a step back and dean stopped. "Look I know you dont want to talk but listen." You looked down and licked your lips and just shook your head. "I'm sorry," with that you took off back to you room. Something about being alone with dean made you anxious and scared. You felt for the mark on your side and once you felt it through your shirt you instantly started to feel better.

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