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You were in the dark. You looked down at your wrist and saw the cuts but no blood came out. You heard faint panicked voices. You listened as hard as you could. "Shes lost a ton of blood. I cant get her to wake up." That was Dean's voice. "What the hell happened?" That was sam. "What do you think? Now drive damn it!" The voices faded away and this time you were at your old college dorm. People walked around you. Then you saw it. Two people sharing a kiss. "You know some people have different experiences." You turned to see a blonde haired woman behind you and she smiled. "Hi I'm Ari. Your reaper." You stared back at her. "What do you mean different experiences?" Ari the reaper walked up to you. "Some people relive their best memories and some watch them." You turned back to look at the memory of you and Kyler. It was a sweet one and one you held onto the longest. "Am I dead?" You asked. "Yes and no. You're barely dead but you're also barely alive. That's why sometimes you can hear what's going on." You watched as you and Kyler walked up to the pond to feed the ducks. Kyler had the feed and a duck and goose wouldn't stop sticking their faces into his bag or pockets. He had ended up falling into the pond. "I was kylers reaper," ari said. You turned back to her and when you did you heard something that was like thunder. "Storm?" Ari asked. "No. It didnt storm at all that day." Next you knew you felt yourself get pulled back into the dark. "Sammy!" It was Dean's voice again. "Get cas on the phone. Tell him to meet us back at the motel. I gotta keep her heart beating." You felt compressions on your chest. "Come on YN! Come on! Stay with me honey. Stay with me!" The pain, the panic, and the urgency in Dean's voice made you long to wake up. "See what I mean when I say barely alive?" Aris voice brought you to another memory. It was dark and raining and you were in an alley. "What's this place?" She asked. "Not one of my best memories. This was the day after Kyler was killed." You watched the door to a truck open up. You watched as the memory of you grabbing ketchs arm and begging him to take you in. He had told you all about demons and monsters. You wanted to know more but he refused. Then Sam and Dean called him and you begged him to take you until he said yes. "Must have hurt you when he betrayed you guys." Ari walked next to you and rested her hand on your shoulder. She had no idea how hurtful it was when Ketch betrayed you guys. What killed you still was that you had to kill your best friend. "Hello Ari," a deep voice made you guys turn around.

"You're not suppose to be here," Ari voice was defensive. She stepped in front of you. "I have a process and you cant interrupt it." You stared at Michael and you saw the look of worry in his eyes. "Ari," michael said stepping forward. "Leave or you'll make me do something that'll upset death." Ari turned to you and back at Michael. Then she dissapeared thr moment you heard more thunder and found yourself in the dark and hearing urgent voices. "What's the verdict?" Dean's voice was so clear this time. "Shes somehow healing herself." Cas's voice was confused. "I'm getting this angelic feeling off her." "Are you saying there's an angel in her?" Sam voice was in the background. "No. There isnt an angel at all. But something like angel grace." "So maybe there was and left of grace?" Sam asked. "No." Cas said and it sounded like he already knew. "I've seen this before. Many years ago." "Are you still able to heal her?" Dean's voice sounded faint then you couldn't hear anything else. Soon you found yourself standing in the bunker. You saw the memory of you and Sam yelling at each other. It was about dean. This was the day after Michael hijacked his body. Sam was telling you that it was stupid to go after him without a plan and that proved to be right. Some months later. You watched as you saw the pain in both your eyes. You war hed as you stormed out of the bunker with a bag. That was the last you saw of sam until the day you woke up. "What did you do to me?" You turned to michael who was still with you. "Tell me!" You yelled. Michael took a breath. "When you were in Dean's mind and I had you on that wall. I said a small angelic spell. Something that wouldn't tip dean off. In the real world the spell entered your would. That's how I'm able to enter your dreams and place that mark on your side. To seal the magic in." You stared at Michael. "Why?" You asked. "You said I was special. And you haven't told me yet. And dont tell me you want to wait until we see each other in person." Michael looked away from you and you could see his he was breathing deep. "Tell me!" Before michael could say anything you heard a clap of thunder. You were pulled back into the dark and this time you were aware of a few things. You were aware that your were laying down. You were aware that your were being looked at. You were aware that your wrists no longer hurt. You felt your shirt slowly being lifted up. "What's under the bandage?" Sam asked. You felt someone cutting away at the bandage. You couldn't move or protest. Something was keeping you under. "That's the source of the energy." Cas said. You felt his hand touch the mark and your eyes snapped open.

You coughed and gasped for air. Cas quickly pulled you up into a sitting position. You guys locked eyes for a second and you knew that he knew everything. The dreams. Michael. Thoughts. Sleeping with both dean and then Michael. Cas knew it all. Once you were upright you felt everything come up and you ran into the bathroom. You slammed the door and raced to the toilet and puked. Once you were done, you sat back and just cried. You cried about Kyler. You cried that you killed ketch. You cried that dean said yes to freaking michael. You about absolute everything. There was a knock on the door. "YN," it was sam. "You okay in there?" You got to and cleaned up your face. You opened the door and stared at sam. "I'm good." The moment you said that the door to the hotel opened and from the corner of your eye you saw dean. "Oh good your awake." You didn't know how it happened but you were pinned against the wall. Dean had a hand on your arm and a hand on your neck. Your hands were pulling at his hands. "Dean," you tried to get out but it came out in a low squeak. "What the hell dean? Let her go!" Sam yelled. "No! Not until she gives us answers!" The anger in Dean's eyes scared you that you wished you never woke up. "What are you? How did you heal yourself? Are you working with michael?" You couldn't speak because with each question Dean's grip slowly tightened. Your eyes searched for Cas. Once you locked eyes with cas, cas knew you needed help. Cas was by dean in seconds. His hands on Dean's. "Let her go dean!" Cas almost yelled. "Not until we get answers!" "Dean! YN can barely breathe. Besides she doesnt know anything." Dean didnt let go. He stared at you. His eyes were still angry. "How do you know?" "Becusse theres a mark on her side. I touched it and saw everything. She had no idea that Michael would do this!" Dean looked back at cas "Everything?" He asked in low voice. Cas nodded. Dean looked back at you, tears started to fall down your cheeks. Dean let you go and you fell to the ground catching your breath. Before dean could say anything to you, you jumped up and ran out the door. "Fuck! I did again."

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