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"I dont think is is a good idea." Dean placed the hotel room while you got ready. It wasn't anything fancy. Just Jean's and tshirt. Sam went out to take a call so it was just you two. "You dont like why? Becusee sam said pretend to be her boyfriend or that I'm being used as bait?" Dean looked at you. "Both YN. Both." Dean approached you and took your shoulders. "I dont want to pretend. And I hate that you are being used as bait. But I dont see this ghoul taking sam or I." You slowly moved Dean's off your shoulder. "I'll be fine. Plan is to let them take me. You follow using my phone's tracker. If anything goes wrong I know what to do." Dean sighed and rubbed his face. Sam came back in and looked as the two of you standing close. "Um," Sam's eyes went back and forth. "Dean tried to help with a necklace but broke the end of it." You turned around and went back to the bathroom and cleaned up. "Okay," sam said slowly. You looked at him through the mirror and saw he had his bullshit detector face on. "Um I just spoke to Cas. Hes in the area becusse he heard through angel radio that michael was here." You dropped everything in your hand and felt your heart racing. "What?" You asked softly. You didnt want to sound to excited or look excited. You practically had been thinking about Michael all day. Even with the flirting and teasing towards dean. "Dont worry," dean said in a firm defensive voice. "We won't let him near you at all." You looked down and bit your lip. "Does cas have an idea as to where hes at?" Dean asked watching you lean down and pick up your things. "Um, cas said there was a strong presence he felt at the sheriff's station." You and dean looked at Sam. "Really?" You both said in unison. "We need to find that dick bag and kill him. Kill for highjacking my body. Shoving me deep into my subconscious. Hurting YN. This world will be better off without him." You didnt say anything but started to put the pieces together. What if the mark only hurt when he was super near. It made your heart ache because all you wanted right now was to see him in person. "Well once this case is over with, we'll have cas do that enochian thing where it hides us from the Angel's on YN." You nodded but really you didnt want it but maybe for their sake you'll do it. "Okay. Well, let's get this over with." You holstered your gun under your shirt and so did dean. "You guys be careful," sam opened his laptop. "I'll be watching from here. Once they got you, make sure you dont lose that phone." You nodded and reached your hand to dean. "Come on. We gotta sell this thing super hard." Dean smirked and grabbed your hand. "Whatever you say sweetheart." Sam rolled his eyes. "You guys are weird."

You and dean were in the bar for a few hours. Nothing has happened but Sam was super adamant about it and told you guys to stay. You guys had a few small drinks and shared a basket of not so great nachos but you guys were hungry. "So," dean pushed the chips away and you were thankful. Your stomach started to get upset. "Are you nervous or scared that Michael was here or is here?" You could tell dean didnt want to talk about it but you also heard worry in his voice. "Nervous," you said and it was true. "Why? I dont know." "Well I got you." You looked at dean. "You said that back in the hotel and now. Why?" Dean bit his bottom lip. "I remember when you and sam came for me, you were thrown up on the wall. I heard him tell you that you were special." Your eyes widened. "I told sam and we think maybe Michael might be looking for you. We dont know what for." You looked away at noticed a familiar face. "Um," you began to say but dean kept talking. "That's why we have Cas on the look out for him." "Dean stop," you firmly say looking back at him. I dont care if Michael is here or not," totally not true. You sort of wanted him here. "That's the ghoul from last night. The one who ran." Dean looked behind you and you saw him lock his eye in him. "Are you sure?" "Dean shut up, I'm sure." "How do you want to do this?" You asked. Dean looked back at you "you still certain you want to do this?" You nodded. You took your hair down and shook your loose hair out. Dean took your hand gently and runned his thumb over it. "Stick to the plan. Dont do anything stupid." You chuckled. "As long as you dont," you turned and saw the ghoul staring right at you guys. He turned to two other people and said something. The other two looked up and the three of them started towards you and dean. Dean grabbed your arm and began to pull you away. "This doesn't look good." You let dean lead you out the back of the bar. "Sammy," dean was on the phone. "We need to improvise." You heard a whack and turned to see dean on the ground. You heard Sam's voice calling out. You looked up and saw the ghoul smiling at you began to pull your gun out but felt something hit your head and you blacked out.

You opened you eyes. You were tied to something on the ceiling in a dark danky room. Once your eyes adjusted you noticed dean tied to a pole. He was still passed out. No one was there but a single table. You tugged on the rope around your wrists. They were bound pretty tight. You looked. back at dean who was beginning to stir. "Dean," you called out. He opened his eyes and looked around and spotted you. "Yn?" He said coughing. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, you?" Dean nodded and tugged his ropes and as you, he failed to get free. "Why did they take both of us?" Dean asked. "Maybe becusee they remembered us from last night. I mean we killed one of their own." Dean looked at you and made a small face. "Your right," this is probably revenge for killing them. Is your phone still on you?" You looked af your pockets, "I don't know, but I'm hoping sam is on his way." Therenwasna thump that almost sounded like a metal door. "They're hunters of course," a Male voice said. "We just drain then and feed of them like usual." There was a sound like someone smacking someone. "Damn it damon you just cant pluck hunters off the street. You kill one hunter and you got more coming in hot to avenge their dead friend." They came into the danky room and the ghouls saw you were awake. One was a female she turned to the male and punched him in the face. "You didnt say you plucked a winchester and YN YLN!" She punched him again. "You're an idiot! Now we will for sure die!" Damon got up. "What does it matter? We kill both and our bacon is okay." The woman held her head with her hands. "You dont get it." She turns and points to Dean. "That is dean winchester. His brother is Sam winchester. This chick here is the second best hunter. They also have a freaking pet angel." Damon shrugged his shoulders. "So?" Damon was slow and stupid you thought. "What shes saying," you began to say. "If you kill us you will have no where to hide with Sam Winchester and Castiel on your asses." Damon looked at you. "And if you kill us, there is a chance we will come back and we will be pissed." Damon looked at dean. The woman sighed. "We cant let them go," she walked towards dean. "We have no choice but to kill you and make it look like an accident." Dean glared at the woman as she walked away and pulled out a small knife. She made her way towards you. "Hey!" Dean yelled out. "You touch her I'll kill you!" The woman looked back with a wicked grin. "I'd like to see you try." She turned back and stalked towards you with the blade in her hands. Dean yelled and thrashed around. Your side started to sting as your heart raced. "Please!" You begged. "No! No no no!" The woman grabbed your wrists and sliced them long ways. You screamed and felt a pulse like energy leave your body. The ghoul was thrown back into the wall. You felt the warm blood run down your arm. You kept calm because you knew that if you freaked out or panicked the blood would flow out faster. "What the hell?" You heard Damon and Dean say ar the same time. You eyed the woman who slowly got up. "What the hell are you?" She hissed at you. You didnt speak. You focused on the blood that was now running down the sides of your face. You heard a snap. From the corner of your eye you saw dean was free from the blinds. He took up a huge random blade and swung at Damon who charged him. Damon's head literally rolled to you and you looked down. Once you did, you k we ir was a mistake. Your vision began to get fuzzy and your eyes were getting heavy. You were forcing them to stay open as you saw the blood going down your chest. Next you heard another slash and a small thud. You tried to pick your head to see what was going on but you couldn't. "Yn?!" You heard Dean's panicked voice. You tried to speak so dean knew you heard him but you couldn't. You couldn't keep your eyes open much longer but you tried to fight it. You felt your body fall right into Dean's arms. "I got you sweetheart," he said. You felt him wrap up your wrists. It hurt like hell when he touched them but you didnt have the voice or the energy to tell him or scream out. "You're going to be fine." Was that last thing you heard before the darkness to you.

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