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You opened your eyes and all around you was dark. You were surprised you could even see. You heard many voices that were Dean's voice. He either was yelling for Sam or cas or you. Or the yelling out in pain. You turned around at everything you heard. You knew Dean was scarred from events in his life but you didnt know it was that bad. Then in the distance you heard something that wasnt like all the others. You went in that direction. Soon you found yourself in a bar. It was nice and to your liking it smelled of beer. You heard a womans voice come around the corner "you must be that girl dean cant shut up about!" She smiled at you and put a hand on her hip. "What was your name again?" You couldn't answer. "Um," was all you could say. "Who is it?" Dean walked around the corner and stopped the moment he saw you. "Yn! I thought you were in Arizona?" You opened your mouth to say something but dean went over to the bar counter and poured a drink. "I stocked your favorite! On tap too!" You smiled. "Wow!" You said. "Right?" "Dean," you walked onto him and took the drink. "Oh that's Pamela! Shes a physic!" You looked at Pamela and she smiled. "Dean," you looked back at him. "We need to talk. Alone." Dean looked you up and down. "Sweetheart," he began to say. "Dean you're trapped in your own mind. You're dreaming. Michael is taking your body out for a joy ride!" You just blurted it out. You loved seeing the happiness in Dean's eyes but you had to stop it. "Michael as in that archangel douchebag bag?" Pamela came up next to dean. "Didnt you guys kill him a few years ago?" You ignored her. "Dean, you need to remember. You need to expel him out. Otherwise he will burn your soul until it's nothing." The door to the bar opened and when you turned to look to see who it was everything snapped back. Dean and Pamela were gone but their voices were heard in the back. "Yn?" You heard Sam's voice. You looked af sam. "Michael's right. Dean has no clue as to what's real and what's not." Sam approached you. "Hey you!" Pamela came around the corner. "Hows it going Sam? And who's this? Definitely not Jessica unless..." dean came around the corner again. "Yn! Sammy! What are you two doing here?" Sam looked at you and you shrugged your shoulders. "I dont know," you whispered. "Let me get your two a drink." "Dean," sam started to say. "This isnt real?" Dean laughed. "Of course it is! Got out of the hunting life and told dad to shove it. Then opened this beauty right here!" Pamela coughed "it was a team effort! And plus he wants to impress some girl hes always talking about." Pamela eyed you. "Did you say dad?" Sam asked. "Um yeah! He comes in every few weeks for a drink and to catch up." "Dads dead. Yellow eyes killed him years ago." Dean chuckled "yeah and I killed Hitler." You groaned and smacked the table. "You did kill Hitler you idiot! And you killed Azazel with the Colt. You told me in very explicit detail too." Dean stared at you like he knew you were telling the truth. "Hold up," Pamela came up to you guys. "The colt? Like the one that can kill anything?" Sam nodded! "Yep, and how are you alive? And how can you see? Cas burned your eyes out?" "Oh feathers? Well I did him a favor and got my site back. And I've never died." "Then how come I've never heard of you until today?" You asked. "Cause the guys have never ever spoken about you at all since I've known them." Pamela rose an eyebrow and chuckled a bit. "What are you guys on?" "Pamela. You died years ago. A demon stabbed you." "Guys you must be tired. I got a couple beds up stairs--" "Poughkeepsie!" Sam said. That was their code word for drop everything and run. Dean stopped talking and stared at his brother. You took a deepn breath and hoped dean would snap out of it. "Well I guess we should close up and call it a night." You turned to see Pamela with cloud covered eyes and blood running down her side. "Maybe we all will be right in the head once we all are well rested." Dean turned to pamela and saw what you saw as well. "Pamela you're blind." "I've always been blind silly. You can thank Cas for that one when you see him" "and you're bleeding." "Oh this old thing? It's been like that for years! Some old demon stabbed me and killed me. Dont you remember?" Dean stood quite and stared at pamela and then at you. "I remember." With that you guys heard a snap and Pamela disappeared and so did the bar. You guys were standing in small like crypt. The headstone you saw read Winchester.

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