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By the time you walked into the motel room dean was already showered and dressed. "What took you so long?" He asked. "I was processing what happened." Which was true. When dean had left the bar you couldn't help but think of the kiss. Even though it was quick you could still feel them. The softness ans the eagerness made your heart race in a good way. Dean rose an eyebrow. "Good processing I hope," he said sitting down on the couch. You smiled. "Yes. Good processing. I'm going to take a shower now. How long until Sam's back? Did you even call sam?" Dean grabbed his phone. "I was just about to call him once you got here. I needed to know you were okay and not running after that ghoul." "I may be crazy, but I'm not that crazy." You grabbed your bag that was next to dean. He reached out and grabbed your arm. You looked at him "maybe I can hold off on calling sam?" He asked rubbing your arm with his thumb. You bit your lip. "Maybe," you said grabbing his hand and pulling him off the couch. "Maybe you can hold off until the showers over." You lead dean to the bathroom and closed the door. You were certain dean was speechless because he just stared at you. "Are you certain about this YN?" Dean asked. You took your shirt off and remembered the bandaged there. Dean saw the bandage and ran his hand over it. "I'll never hurt you like that again," he said. You grabbed his hand and slowly moved closer to dean and kissed him. "I believe you," you shimmied out of your Jean's and pushed dean into the shower where he pushed you against the wall. "I've waited forever for this," dean said against your lips.

You and dean laid on the floor of the motel room. You guys didnt want sam finding out so it was a no go on the bed. "So how long until sam shows up?" You asked tracing your finger on Dean's chest. "Eh," dean checked his phone. "Twenty minutes. Why? Wanna go for round two?" Dean rolled you over to where he was hovering on top of you. He kissed your neck and you felt goosebumps rise on you neck. You smiled and sighed. "If we weren't pressed for time I would. But," you push dean over and straddle him. "We gotta clean up and not get caught. So when we get back to the bunker, I can show you how dominant I can be." You kiss dean and rolled off him. You grabbed your clean clothes and got dressed. You turned to see dean watched you the whole time. "Dude," you said picking up the towel and tossing it at him. "Hurry up and get dressed. I'll throw the clothes in the washer that around the corner." You picked up the ghoul covered clothes and walked over the door. You turned back to see dean getting dressed. Before you could get distracted like he had you walked out the door. When you arrived at the small laundry room you started everything up and slid to the floor thinking about what had just happened. You had sex with dean freaking winchester and it was more amazing than you had ever thought it would be. You can still feel every touch of his fingers and the feel of his lips over your body. You closed you eyes and sighed then got up and walked out. When you got to the door toj saw Sam pull up in the impala. "Hey," he said getting out of the car. "What are you doing out here?" He asked you. "I just threw mine and Dean's ghoul covered clothes into the wash." Sam nodded. "So you guys are on speaking terms? Or was that just for the ghouls?" You laughed to cover up the blushing. "We are on talking terms again Sam." "Good!" Sam looked super pleased. "Also the manager flagged me down and handed me this. Said he found one hiding away." Sam pulled a cot out of the car and did a little ta da motion with his hands. The door opened and there stood dean. "I thought I heard voices out here," dean eyed the cot. "Hell yeah! Now poor YN won't have to on sleep on that couch."you think I'm sleeping on that cot?" You asked and walked by him. You made sure to slowly brush your hand along his bare arm and as you did you felt his muscles tense. "You better think again Winchester."

You walked a street that was all to familiar. It was the street you and your dead fiance lived on for a few weeks. Just the thought of Kyler made four heart ache. His death was the whole reason you got into hunting. You walked down the street to the house that you guys had bought. You felt a presence near you. "I should have known this was you," you turned to see Michael standing there. Your heart skipped a beat. The same way it had when you and dean slept together. "I tried not to spook you this time." Michael took a few steps forward. "Of course," you smiled and looked down. "Why this place?" You asked. Michael opened the front gate and you walked in. "I thought maybe you'd like to see it. You and Kyler had bought this house." You swallowed back the sadness of that night. "Then demons came and tore his heart out and tried to do the same to me but..." "Arthur Ketch saved you. He brought you to the winchesters because you were too stubborn to move on after realizing what actually happens." You paused at the front door. "Arthur was my best friend. He taught just about everything I know. Then he turned on me, the boys, and cas. I had no choice but to kill him." Michael touched your shoulder and you turned to him. For the first time you the archangel. Not his true form and very much passed the torturing you stage. You saw him for the innocent angel he was. The soldier he thought he needed to be. The kindness that he hid away from the world was only being shown to you. Without any doubt kind of thinking whatsoever you stepped forward and grabbed his face and kissed him. Once you processed what you did you pulled away. "I'm sorry," you said quietly and entered the house. You had no idea was possessed you to kiss the angel but it felt good. You walked go the living room of the house and it took you a bit to realize that the house was furnished and decorated. To how you told Kyler you wanted it. "How? You turned to see Michael standing in the walking looking at you up and down. "How did you get this down to the detail? I never even told dean?" "Kyler. He has a hevean and I visited him and he told me all about this house. He also wants you to know that you can move on. Which I think an tell him given that you kissed me." Michael stalked towards you and your heart raced. In a good way. Michael was inches from you and lifted your chin up with two fingers so your eyes could meet his. "That's good," you said taking a step towards him. Michael's hand then cupped the side of your face and you closed your eyes. Everything felt so real. You felt Michael's other hand on the other side of your face and in seconds you felt his lips touch yours. At first it was light and gentle then Michael pressed his lips harder on yours and playfully you nipped his bottom lip. With that you felt his hands drop down your waist and push you up on the wall. Michael broke the kiss and you opened your eyes. As if he already knew what you were going to ask Michael said "I spent months in his mind so I learned a few things from his memories." You brought your hands up to his chest and pushed him back towards the couch where Michael plopped down and you straddled him. You kissed him again and unbuttoned his shirt. A few hours passed and the two of you were intertwined in a small blanket on the couch. Your head has rested on Michael's chest as he rubbed your bare shoulder with his thumb. For a dream or whatever this was this was just as great or a bit better than having sex with dean. "I can see why dean winchester enjoys this so much." Michael had been the first to break the silence. You held back a laugh which the turned into a cough. In one swift movement you were in a sitting position with Michael helping you regain your breathing. "Are you okay?" You nodded. "Yeah. Im not sure where that came from." You looked at michael and instantly regretted it. Michael without his shirt made you think of dean. "Um I should try and get up. The guys and I are working on a case. All signs point towards ghoul." You get up and get dressed while michael watched you. As you were buttoning up your shirt, you felt Michael's hands on your side. He traced the mark and smiled at you. "I know you touch this." You stopped and stared at Michael. "How?" You asked as your heart raced. "The magic I used to mark you let's you see what I see from my perspective. Do the Winchesters know about this?" You shook your head. "No I keep it wrapped up mainly. Dont really need them wondering about it." Michael nodded. "This, besides having sex, connects us. Well in a way. When you touch it, I can feel what you feel and see what you see." Michael finished buttoning you up and took your chin in his hands and gently kissed your lips. "Until next time."

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