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A month had gone by and dean hadn't left the bunker. Nothing motivated him anymore. Dean lost the one love he ever saw a future with. A future where the both of you could have retired and raised a family. That vision of that future was long gone. Sam, Cas and Rowena went and buried the crystal containing Michael in the deepest parts of the ocean locked in a box warded against every supernatural being. Dean thought it would be fair to let michael live forever trapped knowing what he did and knowing he failed. When they had come back Dean had begged Cas to upstairs to see where you were. To see if you were happy. Dean needed to know but Cas refused to go becusse be didn't want to know either. While Sam was out Maggie kept a close eye on dean. Just to make sure dean didnt do anything stupid. Then one morning dean woke up and ran into Cas. "I was on my way to talk to you." "Speak once I've had coffee." Dean said continuing to the kitchen. Cas followed and watched as dean made coffee. Once dean sat down with the coffee and had andet sips Cas spoke. "I went up to heaven." Dean stared at Cas. "And? Was she there?" Cas placed his arms on the table and and folded his hands. "Dean she isn't there." Dean's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean she isnt there? She crossed the gate. Her soul should be there." Cas took a deep breath "I talked to Naomi," he said. "She said her soul was in heaven for a brief moment then something powerful pulled it back." Dean could feel the color drain from his face. His breathing became ragged. "Where could she be then?" Dean had whispered it but Cas heard it. "The only other places souls could go to." Dean looked up and knew instantly what other two places they would need to check. "Dean, I should tell you," Cas slowly said. "Its possible her soul was drug through purgatory but her soul could have been burnt out there. Just like I attracted all the monsters, her soul will do the same. If any dead supernatural creature touched her soul, that creature turns to dust and her soul drains." Dean swallowed hard and shook his head. "And the chances she was drug to hell?" Sam's voice startled both Dean and Cas. Dean turned around and saw Sam leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed. Sam too looked drained from everything. Sam barely slept due to waking up a few times to dean having nightmares about Michael or about you. Cas took a deep breath "those chances are bigger. It would have been a reaper, not an angel who drug her." Dean stood up and rubbed his face. "We'll start with Purgatory then work our way to Hell. If we even asked Crowley he wouldn't even work with us. YN was someone he always wanted to get his hands on."

Four months came and went quicker than dean thought. Dean and two other hunters went into purgatory to search for your soul. Dean and the two hunters lasted maybe two weeks there. Your soul was nowhere to be found. "Either her soul burnt out or got into hell." One of the hunters said. "Face it, shes gone and she probably can't be brought back." Dean crossed the room and pinned the hunter up on the wall. "Do you want to know how many times Sam and I came back? How about Cas? Oh heres a good one, how about Maggie. If we can come back then so can YN." The hunter on the wall gulped. "Not everyone comes back man," he choked out. Dean let go of the hunter, "YN isnt everyone. She will be back." Dean stormed off and into his room and slammed his door. Dean needed to get you back. You were the only other person that knew him. Dean recalled the moment he first saw you. You had been with ketch and his first thought was "how did Ketch get a woman like that?" But you two explained and dean had been wondering how to get your attention for freaking ever. Finally when you guys had a chance to go out, just the two of you, things went south with a few demons and toghe angels. Dean had no choice but to say yes to Michael. Dean also recalled the look you gave him when he was back after kicking Michael out. Your face may have been still but your eyes had told him you didnt want him around. He knew long before you told him you were scared of him. Then sam forced you guys on that hunt and forced you guys to make up. Dean wished you never came because there would be a chance that you woukd still be here. But dean and you wouldn't have shared that amazing moment. Dean could still the softness of your lips on his and how they trailed his body. Dean opened the side table drawer next to his bed and pulled out a picture he had of you. He had taken it without your knowledge and he knew that if you knew you probably would take it and burn it because you would claim that you were hideous. But dean thought you were the most beautiful woman ever. A knock on the door caused dean to a toss the picture back into the drawer. "Come in," he said. It was sam and maggie. He saw how much closer they had gotten but not as close as he hoped they would. Sam was still hesitant. "Hey," sam said coming in after letting maggie go in first. "We may have found her."

Dean sat in the impala with Maggie while Sam went to meet the demon that said he knew where you were. Dean knew that if you were a demon they would be able to cure you. Sam came around the corner hauling the demon and motioned for dean to come. Dean stepped out of the impala and approached them. "What's up?" He asked. "He won't speak unless we give him protection." Dean pulled out an angel blade and put it to the demons throat. "How about this," dean said in a low growl. "If you tell us where YN is, I wont kill you slowly." The demon stared and laughed. "Still wont make me talk." Dean slowly began to cut into the demon. "This will be fun," dean said slowly. Dean started to wake up his inner torturer and the demon saw that. "Okay okay," the demon said after dean got to his eyes. "YN is in hell and shes one of the best. Better than Alistair ever was and better than you. Crowley has had her busy but thinks shes ready to be top side." Dean backed away. "Shes a demon?" Thr demon smiled. "Yep and crowley has her original meat suit ready for her." Dean plunged the blade into the demon and watched it die. Dean stormed back go the impala with Sam trailing after him. "Did we get where YN is?" Maggie asked. "No," sam said buckling up as dean spun around. "Demon just told us she was a demon in her own body. What were you thinking?" Dean ignore sam as he sped off to the only place he knew to get your attention.

Dean dug a small hole and out the box in there and went over what he was going say to the crossroads demon. He wanted to be in your place with no way of undoing anything. Sam and Maggie tried to talk dean out of it but he was instant on. Even said hed leave them on the side of road if he had to. Dean stood up and looked around waiting for the demon to show up. After ten minutes dean was frustrated. "Come on you slime ball douchebag! Show yourself. I gotta deal to make with you!" Dean looked around again and then stopped. There stood with their back to him was a woman dressed up in a leather jacket and jeans and combat boots. "What the hell took so long? I got good Winchester blood to trade over." Dean took a step forward and the demon turned around. Dean stopped where he stood, so did Sam and Maggie. "I cant let you make that deal Dean," you said walking towards him. Dean could barely breath. "I have to," he whispered once you were a foot away from him. He reached out and slowly took hold of your hand. It was still as soft as ever. "Its the only way I can know you're alive." You smiled at him and reach out to you his face with your free hand. "But what would I do? What would sam do? Do you really think that making the deal you want to make will make your situation permanent? Because it wont." Dean felt you loosen your hand in his and slowly wrap it around his waist. You looked up into his eyes and dean looked into yours. He thought up ways to trick her and give her one last kiss and seal the deal but she was too smart. "Dean, you have to move on from me. Find someone else. Retire. Start a family." Dean shook his head "no. You deserved better. You still do. Now please let me make this deal." Dean felt your arm move away from his waist. Dean cupped your face with a hand and leaned in to kiss you. "Dean!" Sam'a and Maggie's yell stopped him. Dean pulled away from you and looked at them. "Shes got your angel blade," Maggie said pointing. Dean turned around just in time to see you plunge the blade into your own chest. Dean watched as your body sparked red and your body fell to the ground. "YN!" He fell to his knees and gathered your lifeless body into his arms. "No no no no," his voice cracked as he tried to hold back the tears. "YN!" He held your face in his hands. You looked so peaceful. He brushed the hair from your face and just held you. Dean felt Sam's hand on his shoulder. "Dean," he said softly. "We should burn her body. Give her the hunters funeral she deserved." Dean nodded and kissed your already cold forehead. "Can you get it ready? I need to be alone." Before Sam could answer, dean laid you down on the gravel and walked away. He walked into the trees and brush and let his knees buckle. He sat and let the tears flow. Dean reached for the small thing of Jack Daniels from his back pocket and found a note along with it. Dean unfolded the paper and saw your handwriting. All it said was "I'm sorry." Dean ripped the paper and let the tears roll down his face again. After awhile Maggie found dean. "We're ready."

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