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"I honestly didnt think you guys would pull this off," you turned to see michael standing there. His wicked smile sent instant chills down your spine and your breathing turned ragged and you stepped back. From the corner of the eye Sam noticed and so did Dean. Both boys stepped forward. "Do you think I'm going to give up the perfect vessel?" Michaeel asked looking at dean. "Why would I? I'm at full power here." Michael paced around all the while looking at you. "Get out," dean firmly said. "My head my rules." Michael snickered. "So you think. I can break you down even more than I have now. I own you." The venom in Michael's voice made you close your eyes. This was a bad idea you thought. You should have just listened to Maggie and stayed put. "Get out." Dean's voice was even more firm. "I dont think you heard me," you could picture Michael's smile. You opened your eyes and did the most stupidest thing you ever done. You reached behind the bar counter and grabbed the nearest beer bottle and threw the bottle at the archangel. The bottle hit him in the face and threw him off giving Sam and dean time to rush him. Which wasnt a good idea. Michael pushed sam into the nearest table and grabbed dean by the collar. "You are the only one I can hurt in here. I can squeeze your neck until the blood vessels pop out of your eyes. I can kill you with the snap of my fingers." Michael slowly started to choke dean. You looked over at Sam who was barely moving. You looked back at Michael and knew you needed to do something. You knew he couldn't hurt you. Not here at least. You slowly grabbed the beer bottle that was on the ground and made your way towards Michael and dean. You rose your hand only to see Michael grab and pin you to the nearest wall with a hand your neck. "I see your just as slow in Dean's mind than you are in real life." He hissed into your ear. "Get out." You whispered. You knew it would do nothing. But to your surprise Michael pulled back and stared at you. The look in his eyes was confusing. He looked you up and down before slowly releasing you. "You're special," he whispered. "I'll be back." With that everything smoked around and you women up in the chair in the bunker in 7B Your side was killing you. When you looked down you saw it was bleeding through the bandage. "Cas?" You groaned. "Help me back to the infirmary." Cas who was next to you helped you to your feet. "YN?" you looked back to see dean, still covered in wires, staring at you. You couldn't find the words but your heart raced. It raced so fast that you thought your heart was going to leave your chest. You turned away from dean and nugged cas to quickly get you out of the room. The further you got from dean the slower your heart raced. When Cas laid you down and helped maggie clean your wound up and heal you, you heard Sam and dean yelling. "Come on man! Let me see her." Dean yelled. "Dean! It clear she doesn't want to see you yet. She has been through hell and almost died. Let her rest." Before you passed out you heard the bunker door open and slam shut.

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