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You ended up at a pier. You weren't sure how long you were even gone for. It didnt matter. You needed to get out of that motel room and away from dean. It took every fiber of your being to not turn around and beat the crap out of him and leave the winchesters and cas alone to deal with michael. Maybe you should find michael and lead him to the boys. You spotted a bathroom and went in there and stared st your neck. There was a red mark and you knew it was going to stay there for a while. Your phone buzzed and you looked at it and saw that it was a voicemail from dean. You were about to delete it when you had a feeling that you needed to listen to it. "Yn," Dean's voice sounded pained. "You probably want to kill me. I wouldn't blame you if you actually did." You chuckled. "I am so freaking sorry. I came in hot and didnt give you a chance to talk. I promised I'd never hurt you and I did. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me. Please come back. I'll let you break my nose if cas promises to heal it." The message ended. You sighed and put your phone away. You did need to go back and face Dean. Possibly cas too since he knew everything. Literally everything. You licked your lips and walked out the bathroom. There stood Cas with his hands in his pocket. "I would ask how you found me but I'm sure it's some weird angel thing." You walked up to him and cas touched your neck. "There," he said. "Whatever small damage done is healed. Dean doesnt need to know. And yes the mark is gone too." You smiled. "Thanks cas," you looked down. "So honestly how did you find me?" Cas smiled "I thought you didnt want to know." "Now I do," you and cas started to walk towards the truck he drove. "You know I can pick up a longing. But this time it was the angelic energy. I can feel it and right now I can feel how strong it is around you." You nodded and the moment you tried to open the truck a sharp pain ran through your side. You dropped to your knees. "YN?!" Cas came go your side. He noticed you were holding your side. The next second you started to see bits and pieces of the pier. You saw yourself on your knees and cas by your side. Cas touched your side and you squeezed your eyes shut. You no longer saw those images. "Michael made a mistake. The magic wasnt done perfectly." Without opening your eyes you asked "what...what does that mean?" "I can put a block on it. Raphael did the same thing centuries ago." Cas pressed his hand on your side and said a few words in what sounded like enochian. "That should do it," cas said as his moved away from your side. You opened your eyes and the pain was gone. "Thank you," cas helped you up and helped you inside the car. "The block won't hold long but long enough to keep michael at bay." "Well, let's hope we find him before hand."

You and Cas pulled into the motel. You noticed the impala was gone and assumed dean was gone. "Sam went out to clear things up with the sheriff's station about the ghouls." You nodded. "Okay," so that meant Dean was in the motel room or at the bar. "I should be getting back to the pier, I felt an angelic presence that's not related to your mark. I'll call you guys when I have something." You got out and thanked Cas for the ride. You turned and walked towards the room with the key in hand. Your plan was to walk in, let dean let out every ounce of apology because if you dont he will literally hate himself. After he was done apologizing you hold him and tell him it wasn't his fault because you know he will still beat himself up over it. You took a deep breath as you opened the door and what you saw made you stop. The entire room was destroyed. Dean was standing in front of the broken mirror. You made your way towards him making sure you watched your step. Dean didnt know you were here or maybe if he did he certainly didn't acknowledge it. You finally got to him and since his back was facing you, you wrapped your arms around him and just held him. You held him for a few minutes listening to both your breathing. You felt Dean's arm move and felt his hand touch your arm. Slowly dean turned around. He cupped your chin with his hand. "YN, I'm sorry." You smirked. "Dean," you placed a hand on his chest. "I forgive you. Just dont throw me up on a wall if we arent having sex. Okay?" Dean nodded and pulled your face to his and kissed you. This wasn't the kiss he gave you when you fought those ghouls or slept together. This was the kind of kiss that said everything. The kiss was soft but the moment you wrapped your arms around Dean's neck, you felt dean deepen the kiss and hold you tighter to his body. Soon you felt dean pick you up and you wrapped your legs around him without the two of you breaking apart. With the blocking spell cas threw on you, your mind didnt travel to Michael. Your mind stayed forever on dean. Dean carried you to the bed and laid you down. He pulled back and took his shirt off and leaned toward to do the same. Dean noticed the mark and ran his hand over it. "So will dickface know about this?" Dean asked not making eye contact. You grabbed his hand and pulled it to your face. "Nope. Cas was able to put blocking spell on becuase Michael didnt do the spell right but that doesnt matter." You used your free hand to pull dean back to your lips. Before you knew it you both were tangled in the blankets. "Woah guys! I would say get a room but literally dont either if you have brain?" Sam voice stopped everything. You grabbed as much blanket as you could and covered yourself up. Dean rolled off the bed and threw pants on. "Dont you know how to knock?" Dean asked. "Dont you know how you put a sock or let me know that you're getting it down in the room? Speaking of. What the hell happened?" You just sat there covered by the blanket as the brothers bickered back and forth. You slowly got up and wrapped the blanket around you and made your way towards the bathroom. "Since when are you two even sleeping together?" You heard Sam ask. "The other night," dean answered. "After the ghoul attack on the bar." "About damn time," sam said and you heard the sound of approval in his voice. "Oh shut up," dean said. "Yn? Thanks Sam. You scared off my hot date." "I'll go pay the front desk and get some food for the road. You two can finish up. That gives you two hours." You heard the door close to the room and in a second you saw dean open the bathroom door. Before you could let dean say anything you dropped the blanket and pushed him onto the closest bed.

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