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A few days had gone by and dean hadn't returned. Sam called and texted him a few times but he never did answer. Sam suggested that you call him but you said no and when sam asked why you couldn't tell him the truth. You would just tell him it wasnt going to happen and walk off. You also tried to avoid Sam too because every time he saw you he would ask again or pry into the wall you through up to understand why you didnt want to call Dean. On the sixth day you went looking for Cas for an other round of healing. Your trip into Dean's mind and getting pushed up on a wall didnt help. You found cas in the kitchen and he was on the phone. "Shes fine dean," cas turned and saw you. "In fact shes right here." You started to shake your head no but cas grabbed your hand and put the phone in it. "Talk to him. Let him know you're okay. Tell him to come back." You sighed and put the phone to your ear. "Dean," you managed to get out of your mouth. "I'm okay. In fact cas is about to finish up the healing process on my side." There was some noise over the other end. "Thank god. Look,YN," dean started to say then stopped. "Dean I need to go and you need to come back." Without another word tou hung up and gave the phone back to Cas. "Dont ever make me do that again," you told him. "I'm sorry," cas said following you to a chair. "I just thought if he heard it from you he would come back." "Well, we will see." you lifted up the side of your shirt and watched as Cas took the bandage off and healed what was left of the wound. "Why didnt you want to speak with dean?" Cas asked as he finished. You fixed your shirt. "Its hard to explain Cas," you simply said. "Michael used Dean's body and tortured me mentally and now that Dean's dean again, well," you sighed and looked down. "You're scared of him." Sam's voice made you jump. You turned around and wondered how long he was standing there. "I wouldn't say scared," you said. "I just continue to see Michael and not dean. I continue to hear his voice and not dean. Even in his mind I couldn't think because all I saw was michael." Sam looked down. "I'm sorry YN," sam came into the kitchen. "Its all good I'm sure that itll pass. Anyway I'm going to go lay down." You walked passed sam and went towards your room. Which was a few doors down from Dean's room. You stopped at his room and opened his door and peered inside. The smell of whiskey made you smiled some but then you frowned because that's my how michael got to you. You closed the door and walked into yours and plopped down on the bed and closed your eyes.

You walked a field of wildflowers and wore a pink laced dress. It was a nice field and it smelled so nice you decided to sit down and stare into the distance. "I've always admired this field." A shiver went down your spine when you recognized the voice. You slowly looked up to your left you saw Michael a few feet from you. You slowly get up and try to walk away but when you turned around Michael was right there. "I'm not here to harm you. Even if I could I wouldn't." He reached out and touched your face. Even in a dream you could feel the Angel's hand on your face. But it wasnt like how he used to touch you. It was gentle and the look in his eyes were soft and searched yours. "You said I was special. Why?" Michael dropped his hand. "I think that's a conversation for when you're conscious." You took a deep breath. "Where are you?" Michael actually chuckled. Your heart skipped a beat and you weren't sure if it was good or bad. "Not yet." You started to feel dizzy so you reached out and Michael grabbed you and your knees buckled. Michael helped tou to the ground. "Someones trying to wake you," he said touching the side he had stabbed. "I'll visit again soon!"

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