Chapter 1.4: A mess

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A.N: I'm a mobile user so I don't know if that impacts anything but stuff might be funky lol I'll update the next one when I have uhhh 1.5-1.8 ready or something lol
Also forgot to mention you work at a cafe my bad-
Rats. Rats in your kitchen.

Well, you assume it's rats. C'mon! What else could it be?! GHOSTS?...

Haha, no way. It's definitely rats. Delia said it was rats, and they probably followed you home somehow. Well, nothing you can do as of right now. It's not like you have nothing too important in the kitchen anyways. You hope they don't get too comfortable in your house and make a nest or anything, and you really hope they don't bite you in your sleep.

As annoying as the noises were, you find yourself peacefully falling asleep. You don't exactly remember, but you swore you heard the noises getting louder, closer, and... someone mumbling? Whatever, you'll deal with it tomorrow. If you're not dead by then.
The next morning...

The sun shines against the walls of your bedroom, as you slowly wake up you...

"What the hell?!"

You look around your bedroom. Everything was covered with the words "BedelJoice" and "Say tre times bbt ;)". EVERYWHERE.

"What kind of sick prank is this?!" You shout. You just moved in and you're already getting pranked?!

"What am I going to do?!" You cry. It's definitely not rats! And you were probably followed last night!
What a mess! Should you clean up? Should you call the police?! Should you cry?! SCREAM?! You look at the clock, 7:00... Gah... You don't have time to deal with this right now.

You pray that the other room aren't a mess, and luckily, they weren't. Nothing taken, nothing moved, and no weird walls on your wall. Looks like everything happen in your bedroom only. Thank goodness! It also seems nothing happened to you, so you ease up a bit and prepare for work.

"Katy is going to freak when I tell her this!"

Meanwhile, next door...

Lydia bears a scream from next door and sighs.
"Don't tell me that's where you went last night."
A ghastly figure cackles behind her.

"What can I say? It's in my blood!" Beetlejuice cackled.

"They just moved in!"

"And? Think of it as a welcoming gift."

"Because of you, they might up and leave!"

"Blah blah blah, people move in and out all the time! C'mon, don't tell me you got attached to her that quickly."

"God, I wish you would listen when I tell you to stop. They're a nice person, nicer then you."

Beetlejuice let out and audible gasp, "You're not going to replace me, are you?" He looked at Lydia with fake puppy dog eyes.

"Keep ignoring my warnings and they will."

Beetlejuice seemed taken aback. "Alright, alright, I get your point. I won't bother them... for now."

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