Chapter 2.1: Break Room Talk

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A.N. : Yeah, I'm not really that deep into the fandom anymore, but my desired to kick Beetlejuice's butt is so much stronger than my laziness right now so let's see where we go from here ;)
——————————————————————————At work...

You sighed. The whole demon incident has made you feel crazy. This has got to be a prank right?! What kinda of sick jerk marries a kid??? I mean, sure it was only meant to free him, but a kid!! A kid!!!

"Ughhhhh," the thought alone nearly made you retched.

Katy walked up to you and tapped your head.

"Heyyyy, Y/N? Are you sick?" She said worriedly.

You look up and her face frowns.

"Yikes, maybe your are sick! You should go home."

"But it's rush hour," you whine. "If I leave you here, I'll feel baddddd!!!! Besides, I'm not sick, just grossed out."

Katy huffed. "What happened?"

"One of my neighbor's kid is friends with a complete weirdo!"

"From the way you're acting, I'm guessing they're not a good person at all."

"Yeah! He's a freak! A weirdo! A de-"

You cut yourself off before you could say more. Katy gives you a confused look.

This is no good, I can't just tell her I saw a demon right? Hell no! That'd be so weird! Ugh, what am I going to do?

Katy snapped her fingers in front of your face and you jolt back to reality.

"Hey! What kind of guy is he?"

You give her an ugly look. "He's a stinky old rat man"

"Ewww! And he's hanging with a kid?" Katy gasped. "You should call the police!"

"I would, but that guy is friends with the kid!"

"Call the police on all of them!!"

Suddenly Michel walked in. "What's all this screaming I'm hearing? Is everything ok?"

"Y/N's neighbors are creeps!" Katy shouted

"Alright, alright! Calm down," Michel replied

He gave you a concerned look.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, it's just that..."

Should I tell them all the weird stuff that Beetle did? But how can I? It's not he could be arrested or anything! He's a ghost for Pete's sake!

"My neighbor's daughter is friends with a huge weirdo."

"Did he do anything weird to her?"

"No, they're actually close. They seem like family to be honest.

"Maybe they are. I have a weird uncle in my family!"

You groaned.

That's not what I meant...

"Hmm, maybe you're right Michel," Katy agreed

"If nothing is wrong nothing to worry about right?"

You looked at the both of them. You replied, "He didn't do anything bad that I know of." Which was a lie.

"Then maybe you just don't like them," Michel nodded

"Yeah, and if anything is really weird, we'll call the police then!" Katy smiled. "You're just worried for nothing!"

"Yeah," you mumbled. " I guess so.

Suddenly, the clock ringed.

"Looks like it's time to get back to work," said Michel as he began walking out.

You stood up and stretched for a minute. Maybe it's best if you forget about the demon incident for now.

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