Chapter 1.6: Text

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The next morning...

You go online looking up the name online. Nothing.
Other than some funky unrelated sites, nothing really peaks your interests. Maybe you should ask Lydia, she should know more about stuff about this than you. But it's a school day, right? Oh well. You have work to do anyways.

... Gotta ask about that rat problem as well.

In the Deetz household...

"Rats, really? You never listen Beetlejuice."

"C'mon! They were an easy target!" He frowned.

"You also carved in your name everywhere in their room! Are you insane? What if they summon you?"

"That's the point! I was thinking it was time I finally introduce myself to the cutie!" He winked.

Lydia groaned, "You really think-" She paused. "Never mind, I don't care anymore. Don't blame me if they move away right afte-" Her phone buzzed.


Lydia looked up at BeetleJuice

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Lydia looked up at BeetleJuice.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me"

At the cafe...

"So you saw a striped rat in here?"

You were talking to your manager, Michel, about the incident yesterday. You checked the surveillance system in the office, but the rat didn't show up in the video.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, it's crazy. But I swear that there was a rat there."

"A striped rat?"

"Listen, I'm not on drugs or anything-" you paused. "At least I think I wasn't."

You thought about it a bit. Someone did break in. Maybe you were drugged! Yikes, should of called the police.

"Y/N?" Michel looked at you confused.

"Never mind. Sorry about that Michel."

"Aw, no worries!" He gave you a pat on the back. "Work must have been hard on you."

"Well, actually-"

He ignores you. "You should rest more. Can't have you sleeping on the job, huh?" He laughs.

You roll your eyes and walk out the room. You check your phone and see that Lydia has texted you again.



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You smile. Lydia and you decided to meet at 4. Maybe you can finally figure what is going on. With some weight lifted off your shoulder, you go back to work.


Closing time...

Katy and Michel were finishing up cleaning the tables while you put away all the dishes. Michel told Katy about the so-called "striped rat" you saw earlier and she giggled about it. She started teasing you about it, joking that she saw the rat running around while the two of you worked. Michel did tell her to stop, but not after giggling about the whole mess himself. You were a bit upset, but couldn't help be entertained by their attempts to joke on you. It's nice having them around, it helped you forget the mess at home.

The mess at home...

You look at the clock. 3:50. Oh no. You're going to be late!

"Hey guys!" You quickly put the last of the dishes away. "I forgot I had something to do, so I'll be leaving now!"

Michel and Katy look at you with surprise.

"Oh, ok." Katy replied.

"See you tomorrow!" Michel shouted.

You quickly rush to your car. You decided to text Lydia and tell her you might be late.



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What a cryptic text. You would be a bit scared if it wasn't for the fact that you're already rushing to get home. It seems she knows something.

Hopefully it's something good.

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