Chapter 1.5: Rat

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A.N: No real rats were hurt in this process, the the stink dumpster man instead. Also Katy left early but she's not important rn lol-
It's nearly closing time...

You look behind you and notice a mouse in on of the empty tables.
You notice a rat on one of the tables.

Ugh. "Don't tell me they followed me here," you whimpered.

The rat began scurrying up to you and you noticed the weird stripes on it. Black and white. What kind of rat is this? You honestly didn't want to know.

"Oh no," you heard Lydia whisper.

"Don't worry, I got this" you said.

Before Lydia could say anything else, you trapped the rat under a paper bowl. "Ick, this thing could be infected," you said as you walked out the cafe door with Lydia watching behind you.

You released the rat and told it to shoo. "Go on little buddy, you can't be here." The rat looked at you, and began scurrying back to you.

"Hey, hey! Back off dude, I let you go already," you warn as you begin walking backwards towards the door. "Don't make me kick you..."

That made the rat run towards you faster, jumping on to you and crawling up your legs.

"THAT'S IT!" You yell, grabbing the rat by the tail and tossing it on the nearest bush to give it a soft landing.

"Y/N!" Lydia gasped.

You rushed up to Lydia and quickly rushed her back into the cafe. "Quickly! Quickly! Don't let that thing back in!"

You close the door behind you and locked it. You see the rat come out the bush and begin clawing at the door to come back in. "There's no way I'm letting you back in, freaky rat."

Normal rats aren't a problem. Random rats with stripes that crawl on you and try to get into your work place? No. Never. Not especially with Lydia in your supervision as of right now.

"Sorry about that," you gave quick glance at Lydia then notice the scratching and squeaking had stopped. Looking out, you notice the rat was gone. But was it really? You decide not to go outside the front right now and planned to ask your manager if there's any potential rat-sized holes in the cafe.

"It's alright," Lydia gave you worried smile.

You noticed the forced smile, but didn't ask anything about it since you assume it's because of the weird rodent. "Glad to know." You notice the time. "You should head home soon, come with me, I'll drive you home."

Lydia agreed and you both went out the back door.

Squeak! Squeak!

Oh god. Don't tell me...

You look down and there it was. The freaky rat. You quickly found another paper bowl and successfully scooped it up. "Geez?! What's your problem rat?" More like what's your problem. You're talking to a rat! Hopefully Lydia doesn't get weirded out be you, and that's saying a lot. You think about it a bit and decided to bring the rat with you. Not because you want to, but because you don't want to see this thing at your work place anymore. You don't want to see a headline next day talking about your cafe saying "Infected rat found in local cafe".

You grabbed a plastic cover for the bowl and you and Lydia headed to the car. Both of you got in and buckled your seatbelts while you placed the bowl on your lap. Already, the rat was trying to escape, but you weren't having any of that. You placed the cover over the bowl and poked a whole into the lid.
It won't get out now.

You began driving home and noticed Lydia eyeing the rat.

"You want to hold it?" You asked. "It might be diseased though so-"

"Yes! Please, let me hold it," she interrupted. "And I'm sure it's not diseased."

You raised your eyebrow at Lydia. "If you say so, But don't blame me if you start the next Black Plague."

Lydia laughed and took the rat off you lap. Seemingly, the rat calmed down. You and Lydia finally got back to her house and you unlocked the door for her. She got out, but with the rat with her.

"Uhm, Lydia? Aren't you forgetting something?"


"The rat."

"Oh! Don't worry, I got this."

"You sure?"

"Yep! No worries."

"Oh... okay then? See you tomorrow maybe?"

Lydia was already walking back to her front door, "Yep! See you tomorrow!" She shouted.

She still had the rat bowl in her hand. She's not planning to bring that thing with her, is she? Maybe she has a "weird rat" collection. You blew the idea off, not worrying about it anymore since she looks like she knows what she's doing. You drive home and prepare for a long nights rest.

Or so you thought.

You completely forgotten how messed up your bedroom was. Everything was still etched into the wall, and your emotions began plummeting again. You inspected the words. Who wrote this? A fourth grader? No, even a fourth grader can spell better than this mess. You understood what it was saying.

"Say it three times baby ;)"

Gross. Definitely not a child who wrote this, but who's dumb enough not to be able to spell?

And who is "BedelJoice"?

Buggy Dreams (Beetlejuice X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now