4.You're Not Exciting Enough

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My dad picked me up at eight o'clock, the time that most lame kids get picked up. Just in time for their boring bedtime at nine.

I stared out the window, wondering how I was going to be more exciting.

"Dad, what did you do for fun when you were my age?" I asked.

I must've caught him off guard cause he laughed nervously.

"Oh honey, I was a piece of work when I was your age. Your grandmother grounded me every other day." He started. "I snuck out nearly every night, I'd meet up with my friends under the bridge by my house and we'd all get high. Sometimes we'd go out and do some graffitiing."

I raised my eyebrows at my dad.

"I knew you were a handful but I didn't know you were like that." I said in a surprised tone.

"We threw a party once, your grandma said she was going out of town for the night, but she actually just went to her friends house. She came home around midnight and none of us knew about it till she was dragging me by the ear to her bedroom where I got grounded for a month." He laughed.

"It sounds like it was a lot of fun." I said, feeling the desire to do something wild like that. I have to be exciting.

"It was lots of fun, but it was also stupid. I could've been arrested several times. There were other things I could've done to have fun." He said as we pulled into the garage.

"I'm just so relived that you act nothing like I did." He added as we made our way into the house. "Now Ethan on the other hand, he might be the piece of work."

"Hey I heard that." Ethan called from the living room.

We both laughed and I gave him a hug, thanking him for picking me up. I told everyone goodnight and then headed up to bed.

At least thats what they thought I was doing.

As soon as I had my door closed I pulled out my phone.

Sakaya: Do you have any spray paint?

I flopped down on my bed, waiting for a reply that seemed like it was never going to come.

Dominic: Yea, why?

Sakaya: Can I borrow it?

Dominic: What for?

Sakaya: Painting something.

Once again it took him nearly forever to respond and I was just about to give up and go to bed when he responded.

Dominic: Lol sorry, didn't mean to make you wait that long. Can I come?

Sakaya: Sure.

I snuck out into the hallway to see if my parents were in their room. Sure enough the door was closed and the lights were off, which meant they must've went to bed.

I put on my coat and some gloves so I wouldn't get too cold. Then I slowly crept down the stairs and out the door onto the front porch.

I sat in one of the chairs, waiting for Dominic to show up.  While I waited I searched my brain for ideas on what to spray paint.

Was it going to be easy? It didn't seem like it was hard, all you do is just spray some color on.

"Hey." I heard Dominic whisper shout.

10 Reasons Why I'm Not Good Enough :||: YungbludWhere stories live. Discover now