You're Worth It

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"Is he okay?" Rosalie asked as I filled a cup with water. "He was kinda out of control when you guys were dancing."

I shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Adam said he's not supposed to drink when he takes his medicine. He was set on making Johnny jealous or something, he's beating himself up over it. I told him it's fine, Adam said to take him upstairs so he can lay down and sleep."

"Are you gonna stay with him?" Rosalie asked.

I turned to her with the water and nodded.

"Yea, I'm not gonna leave him alone when he's feeling like this. I'll rub his back or something so he falls asleep."

Rosalie followed me out of the kitchen and down the hallway.

"Do you guys mind if I come in when I'm ready for bed? I'll sleep on the floor."

"I don't care. If there's room you can sleep with us."

She giggled.

"I'll stick to the floor but thanks."

I opened the front door and stepped one foot out on the porch when I realized Dominic wasn't there.

"Fuck." I said quietly. "I told him to stay here."

"Maybe he went back inside?" Rosalie suggested.

"Let's check."

We stepped back into the living room. Most people were gathered over by the bong circle playing what sounded like to be truth or dare. The music was playing much quieter now. Dominic was no where to be found. Michael caught my eye though and came over.

"Adam told me Dom's in a mood. Is he okay?"

"I'm not sure. I can't find him."

"Want me to help?"

"The more the better."

"Did you check the bathroom? He always has to piss like a mother fucker when he drinks." Michael suggested. 

I shook my head.

"I'll check the upstairs, you guys check the one down here."

We nodded and looked in the bathroom, which was empty. We even looked in the little office room and kitchen.

Michael joined us just as we emerged from the kitchen.

"I checked the bathroom and bedrooms. He's no where."

"What are you guys doing?" Adam asked as he came from the living room.

"Looking for Dom." Michael stated.

Adam turned to me.

"He asked for water and I told him I'd be back. I wasn't even gone five minutes."

Adam's face scrunched up as he was thinking.

"You checked the house right?"

We all nodded.

He glanced back in at the party, scanning the room.

"Did you see anyone else or was everyone in here?" He asked.

"There were two girls in the kitchen." Rosalie said.

Adam stared into the room for a few more seconds before his eyes widened a little.

Then he headed straight for the kitchen.

We all followed. His sudden change of demeanor had me concerned.

10 Reasons Why I'm Not Good Enough :||: YungbludWhere stories live. Discover now