10.You're Not Good Enough

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I stood in my dress in front of the mirror. I tried not to think about how I looked. I tried to fill my mind with positive thoughts instead. I kept my hair down and did some light make up.

I felt okay if I ignored my thoughts.

Any minute now my two friends would show up and I'd have to go with them.

I still haven't spoken to them since last night, or Dominic.

My mind was obviously a mess.

I focused on the leather jacket that laid on my bed behind me. It would look stupid with my dress.

My heels that I had on made me a couple inches taller, which made me feel more confident.

My phone vibrated on my desk and I picked it up seeing that Rylie and Rosalie were here.

I headed out the door, leaving the jacket on the bed.

Once I made it downstairs my parents had to do a photo shoot. One with them individually, one with Ethan, and then one with just my parents and I.

"You are so beautiful." My father said.

"Absolutely." My mother agreed.

Ethan gave me a thumbs up and I headed out the door to Rylie's car.

I felt my friends eyes on me as I made my way to the car. It made me want to shed my skin and run, but I didn't.

I climbed in the back and buckled the seat belt.

"Hey, you look great, where's your jacket?" Rosalie asked in a joyful tone.

"It looked dumb on." I answered honestly.

Rylie looked at me through the rear view mirror as she pulled away from my house.

"Don't you want Johnny to notice you?"

I really wasn't ready to have this conversation.

I shrugged and the rest of the car ride was silent.

When we got to school everyone was piling in, getting stamps on their hands and shoving their way to the gym.

When we made it to the gym we picked a table to sit our stuff at.

Rylie and Rosalie looked elegant in their dresses. Rylie was wearing a tight black dress with long sleeves while Rosalie was wearing a sparkly dark red dress that poofed out at the bottom.

We sat down and checked out the dance.

My eyes searched the room for the one person I shouldn't have been looking for. I found him nearly instantly. The suit he was wearing was tight and he looked super good. He was talking to Aiden who was holding onto some girl in a white dress.

"He's not with anyone." Rylie said. "Yet."

I stared longingly at the attractive boy but reason number ten came into my mind.

10. You're not good enough.

The thought left a sour taste in my mouth. How would I even begin to fix that?"

Suddenly, as if he felt me staring at him, he looked directly at me. His eyes lingered on me for a second as he smiled lightly. He turned his attention back to Aiden.

I looked at my two friends with wide eyes.

"He just smiled at me."

"You should go ask him to dance." Rylie stated.

"Just because he smiled at me doesn't mean he wants to dance." I said.

"Then I'll go ask him for you." Rylie said as she stood up.

10 Reasons Why I'm Not Good Enough :||: YungbludWhere stories live. Discover now