6.You're Not Talented Enough

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After choir was over Dominic and I walked out together.

"I'm really excited for that piece, it'll kinda be like a flash mob." He said as we climbed the bus steps. There were already several children screaming.

We sat down in my seat together.

"I like how she's being creative and letting us try new things."

He nodded agreeing.

"That just makes the show even better. Most choirs I've seen stand on those stupid risers and wear those ugly gowns. This will make it more unique and draw more people in."

"Those fucking gowns, don't even get me started on those." I said while laughing.

After we quieted down Dominic turned to me.

"Would you want to come over for dinner tonight? My parents would like to meet you."

I felt my body tense up. He told his parents about me?

I bet they wouldn't  like me.

"You can come check out my room, oh I'll even wear my fucking skirt for you!" He nearly shouted.

"That's quite a tempting offer Domino."

He scrunched his face up at the nickname.

"Your rude friend called me that."

"Great, so you knew she was being rude."

He rolled his eyes while shrugging lazily.

"Maybe. It didn't bother me though."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh yea, I've been called much worse." He reassured me. "Just message me if you're coming."

"I will, I'll have to ask my parents."

"Or you could sneak out." He suggested with a sly expression.

"I'm not sure that'll work durning the day."

"Dominic." Tess called over the radio.

I looked out the window and realized that we were at his house already.

"I better see you later." He said while winking and hurrying off the bus.


My parents didn't get home till about four thirty that night.

"Hey, can I go over to my friends for dinner?" I asked when they walked into the kitchen.

"Sure honey, which friend?" My mom asked me.


"The boy from the other day?"

I nodded.


My dad sat down his bags and made a face.

"Is something going on between you and that boy?" He asked.

My mom gave him a stern look.

"No." I answered.

"If you ever do anything make sure you use a condom." He continued.

"Dad!" I shouted putting my hands over my ears.

"Honey." My mom said sternly, giving my father a pointed look.

"What? I'm just being sure that she knows."

"I know dad, I know."

"Don't you be letting him pressure you into anything. If he ever tries anything you let me know, I'll put him in his place.

10 Reasons Why I'm Not Good Enough :||: YungbludWhere stories live. Discover now