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As soon as I got home I tried to hurry to my room. The note Dominic gave me was like a weight in my pocket.

My parents of course, wanted to play twenty questions with me so that delayed my excitement for about ten minutes.

The second I got to my room I closed the door and sat on my bed, reaching my hand in my pocket and putting my fingers around the note.

I held it there for a few, taking in the excitement I felt. I pulled it out, looking at it in my hands, it was folded slightly sloppily but what would you except from Dominic. I'm surprised he didn't crumple it up into a ball and give it to me.

Finally, I opened it. I stared down at Dominic's messy handwriting and smiled.

Love, I just wanted you to know how much I absolutely enjoy spending time with you. You are so much fun. You also help keep me in line, for the most part. For awhile, I would watch you, on the bus, in the hallways, or at lunch. Not like a stalker. Like someone who cares about someone. Who wants to make sure they're having a good time. Sometimes you would be smiling and I couldn't help but stare. Other times you'd seem frustrated, usually towards, you know, that jerk you called a friend. It's amazing how much you can learn about a person just from a simple glance. You see quick expressions that they turn away to hide, or what really makes them laugh. I remember the first time I saw you, you walked into lunch with Rosalie, she was telling you something, you seemed uninterested at first but I realized you were listening. You were in your head too, don't ask me how I know that, I could just tell. She said something so funny that it distracted you from whatever was distracting you in your head. You laughed so hard, I was across the room and couldn't hear you laugh, but I could tell that whatever she said made you laugh genuinely. I was trying desperately to work up the courage to talk to you. You always seemed preoccupied. The few times I did though felt like an accomplishment. When we made eye contact a couple of weeks ago I knew I had to do something. I've been down lately, to tell you the truth, and I remember that entire bus ride I contemplated whether or not I should even try. I decided that I didn't care, if you weren't interested then at least I tried. I am so glad I manned up. Then, when you got that stupid list, I was so fucking mad. I know you still think about it sometimes so I want to give you a list of my own.

Ten reasons why you are good enough.

1. You are so kind. Seriously, I don't know how you are so nice. Accepting Rosalie back as your friend without even questioning it. Smiling at everyone you see. You gotta be careful though, it might get you into some trouble sometimes.

2. You are absolutely so cool. Coming graffitiing with me, I never thought you'd ever do that, you surprised me. Helping me kick ass, thats just fucking hot. Not judging me for who I am, or anyone. Most kids our age would bully me relentlessly about the skirts and dresses if they knew, but you, you were totally cool with it, thank you.

3. You are the perfect mix of outgoing and reserved. While you're more reserved you still try to put yourself out there and make new friends. Like with Michael and Adam. My friends are your friends, if you ever need anything we'll help you out as soon as we can.

4. You are absolutely exciting. Since we've been spending time together I haven't had a boring day. You make my days more exciting and worth it.

5. You are very smart. Whether you agree with me or not doesn't matter. You finding ways to trick me and inevitably save me, I'm sorry I was a dick.

6. Who gives a fuck about how experienced someone is. That's just something that an immature little bitch would say. I like it, I think its cute.

7. You are so talented. When we were doing karaoke the other day, I couldn't believe how good you were at singing. I love it.

8. You are loyal. You have stood up for me and put yourself in danger. All for me.

9. You are absolutely beautiful. Everything about you is perfect. Everything. Don't you ever thinking about changing anything about yourself. If you do, let me know, I'll be sure to tell you otherwise.

10. You are enough. You always have been and always will be enough. You are everything I didn't know I needed.

I think about you all the time. Thank you for making me feel better.

🖤 Domino

I held the paper in my hands, a big, stupid, painful smile across my face. All I could feel was this overwhelming happiness in my chest.

To think that I meant this much to someone. To think that just a couple weeks ago I was trying to get with a guy who literally tore me down. In a few weeks though, Dominic has been building me back up. Telling me, no, reminding me of my good qualities.

I ended up falling asleep holding the note in my hand. Wanting to keep it close to me because it was from him. Completely forgetting to tell him goodnight.

Dominic wasn't at school today.

He wouldn't answer my messages I sent him.

I spent the whole day being nervous because I could not get ahold of him.

As soon as I sat down on the bus I got a message.

Dominic: Babe I'm sorry I didn't respond to you. I have something I want to show you. Come over after you get home.

I was a little annoyed with the fact that he couldn't just tell me he was okay while I was worrying all day. I shrugged though.

Sakaya: Okay, see you soon.

The bus ride went quick and when I made it home I threw my bag in the front door before heading over to Dominic's house.

I knocked on the front door once I arrived.

I heard the sound of running from the other side and I rolled my eyes and laughed. Dominic was such a dork sometimes.

The door opened and I had to do a double take.

"Your hair!" I exclaimed as I reached up and touched his now red hair.

"You like it?" He asked with a large smile.

"Like it? I love it. You look so good."

He pulled me in for a kiss.

"Thank you. I wanted to surprise you with it."

"You did." I said as I admired it again. Red is his color.

"Good." He held the door open wider for me.

"I need to talk to you about something." His voice was serious now and I felt my stomach twist.

This is how it ends.


Lol I'm back. Sorry that I like to disappear forever and then return randomly, only to disappear again. I'm trying to spend less time on my phone haha oof. I hope you like the chapter, I've had it half written for a month 😬😉😜

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