You're my Partner in Crime

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Michael's mom was a nurse.

Her hair was down and messy around her face. She was tired and had obviously been woken up.

She came over to be sure we didn't have concussions. Michael explained how it wasn't good to go to sleep right after getting hit in the head hard. If you had a concussion and went to sleep there was a possibility for some issues to arise.

She was a kind woman and did not scold us for the fight, or the alcohol which she pretended not to smell. She asked what happened and merely examined us. All of us. Even though Michael and Rosalie claimed to not have gotten hit in the head.

We were all fine and she had us all checked out in ten minutes.

"Don't be getting into anymore fights." She called before heading down the stairs. Michael followed after her.

"I would've been grounded forever." Rosalie laughed.

I nodded.

"I'll bring you guys some clothes to wear so you don't have to wear your costumes." Adam said before heading off to his room.

Rosalie, Dominic, and I were all quiet. It might've been because we were tired.

Adam returned a few minutes later with several pairs of clothes.

"Be lucky I have so many pairs of sweat pants." He teased as he sat the stack of clothes on the bed.

"Thanks." I smiled as I grabbed a black shirt and some gray sweatpants. Rosalie and Dominic did the same.

"Hey I don't get any?" Michael whined from the door way.

"Oh shut your mouth, you know you're going to sleep in your underwear." Adam responded.

Michael smirked and nodded.

"Hey maybe I wanted to join the party." Dominic said, pretending to be angry.

"Sorry Domino, maybe next time." Adam teased and then slapped his butt before running out of the room.

Dominic rolled his eyes and turned back to Rosalie and I.

"You want the bed?" He asked, looking at Rosalie.

She shook her head.

"Adam said I could sleep in his."

Dominic and I both raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't Michael just say he was sleeping in it?" I asked.

"They're sleeping in his parents bed."

We nodded.

"Okay, if you need anything you know where to find us." Dominic said.

We said goodnight and she headed out of the room.

As soon as the door closed Dominic grabbed ahold of me.

"I am so so so sorry." 

He was hugging me as tight as he could.

"For letting you get hurt, and for letting you find out that way."

I pulled back so I could look at him.

"Dominic, please stop apologizing so much. What good is it gonna do if I get angry about something you did a few years ago?" I stared into his eyes, meaning every word. It might of bothered me a little but it didn't matter. "You didn't let me get hurt, you did what you could. Quit beating yourself up so much. You've been beat up enough tonight." I giggled.

A smile broke out over his face and he rolled his eyes before giving me a quick kiss.

"You're my partner in crime." He giggled.

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