5.You're Not Smart Enough

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The next day I woke up and stared myself down in the mirror. Reason number five was swimming between my ears.

He didn't even know me, how did he know if I was smart or not? He wasn't wrong though, I wasn't very good with school. Not because I didn't try or care, but because my mind was filled with my own thoughts and ideas.

I would become so interested in them that I couldn't focus on other stuff as well. 

I'd read a page in a textbook only to have to reread it cause my mind wandered off.

Today though, I wasn't going to let that happen. I was going to stay attentive and focused the entire time. Maybe Johnny will notice all of the hard work I've been doing and change his mind about me.

The bus ride was quick today. Dominic managed to be ready on time and I fell back asleep the rest of the way there.

I met up with Rylie and Rosalie before class. They were still going on about the movie from last night. I dont know how though, it wasn't that great.

For a second I considered telling them about sneaking out and going graffitiing.

I decided against it though, they seemed to be annoyed by Dominic and I did not want them to bring up him in a skirt. I didn't want them to spread that information around. I love them, but they can't keep their mouths shut sometimes.

Instead, I listened to them fan girl over the movie.

When it was time to head to class I reminded myself of my plan for today. Stay focused and on track.

That worked for about five seconds because as soon as we sat down our math teacher threw a pop quiz at us.

This is what I get for not studying last night.

It didn't take long for me to get completely confused. I looked over to Johnny who was halfway done already.

I felt like such an idiot.

Of course Johnny wouldn't want to be seen with someone as dumb as me.

As if I didn't feel dumb enough, when it was science class, we got our tests from last week back. I got a low C.

I felt my mood start sinking. By the time for choir I was worn down and pretty upset.

Today we were told to pair up with someone from a different section. We were beginning to work on our festival pieces.

"The idea for this song is to surround our audience with sound. Several groups will stand up and begin, then several others will come in on the next page. We'll go over the details in a little bit. Right now learn the melody and lyrics with your partners." Mrs. Delia instructed.

I always liked her, she always knew how to make things fun.

Everyone was a mess, finding their partners and somewhere to sit.

I looked for Chelsea, she was another quiet girl and we usually were partners cause no one else would partner with us.

I started towards her when I felt a firm hand on my shoulder.

"We're sitting over here." Dominic said as he pulled me over to the corner of the room.

Once we got situated he made a face.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"I'm just worried about my grades."

"They can't be worse than mine." He laughed while leaning back against the wall.

"I'm sure they're worse."

"I have straight C's."

My eyes widened.

"For real?"

He nodded in response.

"Maybe you are right. I only have two C's and the rest are all B's."

"Told you so."

"Shut up, lets just learn this song."

We both took a look at it. Dominic flipped through it and then read the first page.

"Okay, so I'm starting out here." He said as he paused to sing the note. "And then you're here." He said, singing my note.

He looked though it again.

"It seems like the melody is basically like this." Then he started humming the song to me.

"But I'll take this part." He said, then hummed his part. "And you'll do this one." Then he hummed mine.


"What?" He asked completely clueless. As if he didn't figure out how to sing this song faster than anyone else in the room.

"How did you learn to read music that quickly?" I asked with an amazed tone.

He looked down at the paper blushing slightly.

"I've been studying music since I was a kid."

"That's so cool, do you play anything?" I asked like the mosey bitch I was.

"Yea, guitar, bass, piano, and obviously my voice."

I found myself more intrigued with him.

"You never mentioned this." I said surprised. "If I played all that stuff like you I'd never shut up about it."

"I like to keep it a secret. Just like my skirts." He whispered.

I laughed at his comment.

"Any other secrets?" I asked sarcastically.

He smirked.

"You'll have to get to know me better to find out."

I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get on with the song." I mentioned, trying to get us back on track. "You sing your part first."

He groaned by still did it.

As he sing I listened carefully to his voice. It was absolutely beautiful. When was finished he looked at me expectantly.

"Your turn."

I froze. I did not want it to be my turn. I put my paper in front of my face and took a deep breath.

I started singing, and with each line I could feel my face get even more red.

Dominic reaches a finger over the paper and pushed it down so I could see him.

"I can't hear you with that covering your mouth."

I grew even more embarrassed. Finally he stopped me.

"Hey. Calm down love, I'm not gonna judge you, and even if I were I'd only have good things to say."

I covered my face with my hand.

"You've got a lovely voice. Don't be embarrassed."

I wanted to curl up in a hole and be buried at this point.

He green eyes stayed focused on me and he smiled.

"You were doing great, you just let it get to your head. Give yourself a second and start over." He said.

I nodded, closing my eyes and telling myself to relax. At least he doesn't think I suck.

I started again, this time focusing more on the words than on the fact that he was listening.

Once I finished he smiled.

"That was great. I didn't hear any problems with pitch or anything so now we just need to put it together. I'll count us in." He said.

In an instant, we were singing together. It sounded absolutely amazing. Singing with someone who sounded good when they sang was thrilling. I was so focused on his voice that I messed up a few times.

Even though he told me I was good, I still couldn't help but wish I was as talented as him.

It also didn't help what reason number six was.

6. You're not talented enough

10 Reasons Why I'm Not Good Enough :||: YungbludWhere stories live. Discover now