Date Night

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I fell into the couch sighing in relief.

I was finally done. I had everything set up for tonight. I even managed to get my parents to go out tonight, which isn't always easy.

I just waited for her message and I would get changed.

I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I sat, taunting me.

Maybe a short nap would be fine.

I told myself no but ended up falling asleep anyway, drooling all over my shoulder. My phone dinging woke me up.

Sakaya: Heading back now, should be home in an hour. See you soon cutie

The amount of passion I felt made me want to vomit. I held it down though and quickly hopped in the shower, using extra body wash so that I'll smell super good.

I might've took too long in the shower cause I had to put on a full concert.

When I got out I quickly blow dried my hair and ran up to my room.

"Something fancy but not too fancy." I mumbled as I dug through my clothes, settling on a black button up. I found some black skinny jeans to match and threw on my favorite pink socks, which I finally found. They were hiding under my bed. They'll do that if you wear them too much without washing them.

I stood in front of the mirror and was happy with what I saw, all except for two things. I grabbed my eyeliner from my dresser and made some sloppy smudges around my eyes. I know she's never admitted to it before but, I know she loves it when I wear eyeliner. Which is great cause I do too.

Then I quickly put on a little bit of sliver glitter eye shadow.

I stepped back and checked myself out.

"Fuck yea." I said while nodding. "I look good."

I found my cologne and sprayed myself a few times just so I smelled even better, the body wash didn't smell as strongly as I wanted it to. I grabbed a chain necklace and threw it on too.

I made my way down the stairs and sat on the couch in the living room. Waiting for a knock on the door.

It came about ten minutes later.

"Come in!" I called.

There was a pause for a second but I heard the door creak open slowly.

"Domino?" She called, her voice had a hint of nervousness in it, and my twisted ass kinda liked it.

"In here, love."

Not a second later she emerged from the door way, stopping in her tracks when she saw me.

I sat leaned back against the couch, legs spread apart and head tilted back, like a lazy motherfucker, already on the verge of another nap.

I smiled to myself at the effect I had on her. She seemed at a loss for words.

She herself looked good as well. Nothing special done with her hair, she left it natural. A bright white shirt under a bright red jean jacket, and black skinny jeans like my own. She had taken her shoes off, leaving her in her black socks. She was absolutely gorgeous.

"Come here." I said, motioning for her to come over to me. "Don't be shy."

In an instant she was back, rolling her eyes.

"I was not."

"Yea yea." I said as I grabbed her hands and had her sit on one of my legs.

I gazed up at her.

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