Vandalism? Vandalism.

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He lead me to his living room where we both fell into the couch. I was really starting to feel sick.

He got comfortable and turned to me, holding his arms open and then scrunching his eyebrows.

"Are you okay? You look like you're gonna cry? Is it my hair? Do you actually like it? Do you still li-"

Words shot out of his mouth so quickly, I shoved my hand over it.

"Domino, slow down." I took a deep breath. "You said you wanted to talk to me about something. I thought that you were gonna break up with me." I removed my hand from his mouth when he started licking it.

His face got even more scrunched.

"Why the fuck would I do that?"

I shrugged.

"You freaked out too." I pointed out.

"Uh yea, I'm pretty excitable." He said like I was a dumbass.

I slapped his chest and rolled my eyes, a stupid smile on both of our faces.

He held his arms out again.

"Come here!" He said loudly as he open and closed his hands like a crab.

I did as he said, crawling up on him.

"So." He said, trying to adjust his head so he could see me. "I need some help with something."

I nodded as my head rubbed against him. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"It's kinda last minute."

I nodded again.

"We need a fourth person."

Now I raised my eyebrow.

"Okay." I said skeptically.

"It's also...not exactly legal."

I sat up and looked at him.

"You are not murdering someone." I said in a serious tone.

"Why do you think I'd do that?" He shouted in his loud voice. "There are plenty of other illegal things to do, why do you pick that one first?" Now he's laughing.

"You never know." I shrugged with a smirk.

"It's just a slight bit of vandalism." He paused for dramatic effect. "And maybe a quick fight."

Great, more fighting. Is he trying to get himself seriously hurt?

"Johnny." He said his name like it was coated in lemons. "Will be out tonight, him and his friends are gonna be playing pool up at Eds Eatery. They always take Johnny's car, always. Adam, Michael, and I were thinking about stopping by tonight. We want this to be quick though. We need a driver."

I shook my head.

"I have literally never driven a car before."

Despite my age it was true. My parents said we would work on it next Summer. But now, I wish I had it.

"I can get Adam to drive. I just need you to be sat in the drivers seat in case they come out. That way we can get in before they kick our asses, we don't want to have to send them away crying." He giggled.

I nodded, not sure how I felt about this. Vandalism and a possible fight. What kind of vandalism?

"Domino, you don't need to do this. Just let it go." I said, choosing to ignore my questions.

He shook his head fast.

"No. This time they went too far."

I raised an eyebrow right as my phone let out a ding.

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