You're Lots of Fun

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I made my way down the sidewalk towards Dominics house. My mind was running wild with everything that had happened over these past couple of days.

I started sitting with Dominic and his two friends Adam and Michael at lunch. Rosalie and I made up so she joined us as well. Tuesday I saw Rylie and Johnny holding hands in the hallway before class. That was interesting, especially how Dominic wanted to handle it. Let's just say that he is not a fan of Rylie or Johnny at all. All week people have been commenting to me about how dangerous Dominic is cause of the incident with Ryan. Every time I rolled my eyes, the only thing dangerous about him is how fucking adorable he is.

It wasn't long till I saw the dark haired boy sitting on the steps of his front porch strumming a guitar. As I approached I could hear the soft strumming and the sound of his voice.

"Made it seem there's no brain in my head I'm like a skeleton, can't show my eyes." He sang quietly.

I smiled at the sound of his voice.

He is so talented.

"Right now I feel like I'm an alien, I'm so fucking dangerous." He froze, looking up quickly and meeting my eyes. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Hey." He said as he laid the guitar behind him.

"Hi." I smiled giving him a small wave as I stood in front of him. "What were you playing?"

He shrugged, brushing it off.

"Just a song. Are you ready to get some costumes?" He asked.

I nodded excitedly.

"The guys should be here soon, how long till Rosalie gets here?"

"She's probably almost here, or shes lost, she has a talent for that."

He laughed.

"I live a few blocks down from you how?"

"Oh trust me, she could totally get lost between here and there."

We watched as a black car pulled into his driveway. Adam and Michael flipped us off.

"Well hello to you fuckheads too!" Dominic shouted, his voice echoing off the houses sightly.

"Only a proper greeting for a proper dumbass!" Michael called back.

"Are you guys ready?" Adam asked.

"We're waiting on Rosalie." Dominic responded as he stood up, grabbing his guitar and taking it inside. He was back out quickly and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we started walking towards the car. Just down the road I spotted Rosalies car.

"There she is." I said and then started waving to her. She slowed down and pulled in beside the guys. She climbed out and smiled at me.

"I did it." She said joyfully.

Dominic laughed and opened the car door for me, I slid into the middle and Rosalie climbed in the other side, sitting to my right while Dominic sat to my left.

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