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I waited until I heard the cars drive off. I waited until I heard the front door of Ed's shut. Until I heard Ed's Corevette start up, threatening to wake everyone within a mile. I waited till I couldn't hear the sound of him racing down the street. That's when I sat up.

I looked out over where the car had been parked. The police had called a tow truck to take it where ever you put beat up cars.

The street was empty now, except for Adam's car.

What an I supposed to do now?

Should I walk home? It's at least ten minutes and I'm not sure I want to get caught out at this hour. Curfew is at eleven for anyone under eighteen.

I stared at the steering wheel.

I could just drive the car to Dominics.

No. I would've had them with me to help, I can't drive if I never have.

I can't just stay here, it's five minutes till eleven so walking is out of the question. Maybe Rosalie could get me?

No. She is more than likely asleep already and her parents won't let her out driving late on a school night.

My eyes snapped to the key stuck in the ignition.

I sat up a little straighter as I kept my eyes glued on them.

Before I could use any common sense I placed my hand on the key and twisted it.

The car tumbled underneath me and the dash lit up with a bunch of numbers and meters.

I knew what a few of them were.

I shakily reached for the seat belt and clicked it in. I felt around the side of the seat for the handle that moves the seat closer.

Once I found it I scooted up as close as I could with out being uncomfortable.

I place my foot on one of the pedals, it was long and thin.


I moved my foot to the left and felt a larger, more square pedal.



I placed my hand on the shifter. Trying to move it back to D.

It wouldn't go.

Great, I broke it already.

I pulled my phone out and quickly googled how to put a car in D.

I nearly smacked myself as I realized how simple the solution was.

I pressed my foot down on the brake and slowly moved the shifter towards the D. Each letter lighting up as I slowly pulled it back.

Once it was in D I held my hand there for a second. Nerves were rushing all through my body and my finger tips were tingling.

"Relax." I said quietly to myself.

I placed my hand on the wheel and let off the brake. The car started to roll forward.

My eyes widened as I slammed my foot down on the brake, throwing myself forward just a little.


I rested my head against the steering wheel as I pressed down uncomfortably hard on the brake. My foot starting to shake slightly with nerves.

"Man up." I growled to myself, finally having enough.

I looked up at the road and took my foot off the brake. The car started to roll forward slowly again. I placed my foot on the gas and pressed very, very lightly. The car sped up a little and I turned the wheel to get out on the road.

10 Reasons Why I'm Not Good Enough :||: YungbludWhere stories live. Discover now