You're an Idiot

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I sat down on my bed and quickly unfolded the paper. From first sight I could tell it wasn't some prank ticket.

The page was filled with a bit of writing, messy hand writing that was kind of hard to read.

You better watch yourself kid. You're messing with the wrong people. If you want us to back off you need to either settle it with us the old fashioned way by one of two things.

One, fight us fair. Incase you don't know what this means, you vs. us. Not you and your dumb friends vs. us.

Two, cash. We'll leave you alone for a price. No fighting, just cash. We'll act like nothing ever happened, $1000.

Your choice, meet us at 10 p.m. Saturday evening at the train yard. If you don't show up we know where you live.

Bring yourself and just yourself.


My stomach twisted and I felt sick.

So they didn't have enough.

I looked over the two choices those bone heads gave Dominic. Number three making me a whole new kind of sick.

I knew which one Dominic would choose if he chose any at all. He'd choose one.

I don't know how he'd come up with a $1000 in less than twenty four hours.

I threw the letter down and contemplated messaging him and telling him not to go, it seemed like he didn't have a choice though, considering they said they know where he lives.

I could call the cops?

Would he want me to do that?

This note was a threat, a threat over something that happened years ago which doesn't making any fucking sense considering Rylie is dating Johnny now.


10:15 p.m.

I cautiously walked past several train cars, walking as quietly as I carefully looked around. I could hear voices in the distance.

I was not going to let Dominic get into another fight, especially right after one.

I was getting closer, the voices were getting louder.

I stopped just at the edge of a train car and peeked around, seeing a small group of people. I saw Johnny, Rylie, Ryan, two other guys from the class a year ahead of me, a girl who looked beyond bored, another guy sat in the opening of a train car. My stomach turned with uneasiness.

I walked back a few train cars and leaned against one, pulling out my phone.

Sakaya: Hey Domino, what are you up to?

I sent it, hoping that he would invite me over and that he wouldn't be getting himself into trouble.

I walked back up and peeked  around at the group again. They were all huddled around each other, I could hear their voices but not enough to make anything out.

I went back around and slowly walked in their direction, just a few train cars separating us. I kept a distance of one between us and stepped to the very edge. Not peeking around, I stood still and listened.

"After Chad gets a few good hits in I'll come up behind him. I'll get him in a choke hold and that's when Ryan can take over."

"I'll give him some good swings and then I'll go black belt on his ass, just to let him feel like he's actually putting in some effort."

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