7.You're Not Tall Enough, 8.You're Not Cool Enough

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That night when I got home I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. Dominics family seemed like they were super fun. After dinner we played Cards Against Humanity for a half hour before I had to leave.

Dominic walked me home, in his skirt. He was still full of energy, it was okay though, I liked seeing him like that. He was super happy to see everyone and was having a good time, at least that's what it seemed like.

When I made it inside my father gave me a weird look. Asking if he had seen Dominic wearing a skirt.

I just laughed. Of course he did.

The second I was alone in my room though, my mind went back to the list.

7. You're not tall enough.

This is just one he's gonna have to compromise on. There's no way I can make myself taller. I'm sure there's some kind of plastic surgery for it though.

I googled height surgery in hopes that it wasn't a thing, but sure enough it was.

I opened an article going over the details of the procedure. It sounded absolutely terrible. The idea of having my bones broken, and then having extendable rods placed in my broken bones so they could be adjusted every so often made me sick.

I knew I wasn't very tall so this was one thing I was just going to let go.

Number eight popped into my head, something I actually could control.

8. You're not cool enough.

How the fuck do you become cool?

Once again I turned to Google.

It recommended that I wear a leather jacket and sunglasses. I rolled my eyes at how typical that was but was digging in my closet a second later.

In the very back I pulled out my old leather jacket. I had asked for it for Christmas two years ago and was excited to wear it, and I did, every chance I got.

I laid it out on my bed and continued my research.

Befriend popular people. I laughed at that one, that's harder than you think.

The next one said to be kind, which I could totally do.

By the time I finished the list the only two options I had were to wear the leather jacket, and be nice to everyone.

I climbed into bed, tomorrow was Friday, which meant the day after is homecoming, maybe, just maybe Johnny will change his mind.


Dominic flopped down beside me, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"Hi, I'm really tired today."

"Me too." I agreed.

He smiled and glanced at me before closing his eyes but then doing a double take. I furrowed my brows at his reaction.

"What?" I asked.

He closed his eyes with a light smile on his face.

"That jacket looks good on you." He responded quietly. I almost didn't hear him.

I felt my face heat up just a bit and I turned to look out the window. Not even three minutes passed before I heard a light snore from him. I laughed at the sight of him sleeping. Of course he was tired, he was so energetic last night.

10 Reasons Why I'm Not Good Enough :||: YungbludWhere stories live. Discover now