You're my Favorite

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We both froze, looking to each other with fear filling our faces.


Dominic jumped up quietly and looked around the room frantically. Our eyes communicate a desperate conversation as we looked for somewhere that wasn't obvious for him to hide.

As another set of knocks filled the room I watched as Dominic dropped straight down to the floor and slid under my bed.

Not the best spot, but out of sight.

I grumbled as if I had been woken up.

"What?" I said trying to make my voice sound groggy.

The door opened and in came my father. He was still wearing his pajama bottoms. He sat on the edge of my bed.

"Apparently there is a family reunion today, your aunt Carol just decided to tell us now." I could tell he was annoyed by the tone of his voice. Aunt Carol was always doing this. "It's at twelve and I was hoping that you didn't need me to take you anywhere around that time."

I searched my mind for something to do that would interfere with the reunion. As I did I remembered the messy haired boy under my bed.

"I think I agreed to go see a movie at two."

Dad smiled and patted my knee.

"Oh darn, guess you and I will have to miss." With that he headed out of my room.

I heard some rustling and then Dominic crawled out from under my bed, rolling over and laying on his back facing up at me.

"Who're you going to the movies with?"

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I swear if you say Johnny."

"You Domino, use your goofy little brain every now and then." I laughed quietly.

A huge smile broke out on his face and I resisted the urge to jump onto him and kiss him like crazy.

Even if I were to do that, it wouldn't work. Another knock on the door sent him right back under the bed, hitting himself against something under it.


The door opened and this time it was my mother.

"You and your father aren't getting out of this. If I have to go, we all have to go. We only have to be there for two hours. You better start getting ready." Then she closed the door.

Dominic slid out again.

"Damn, looks like no movie, love. Guess we'll have to do one at my place when you get back." He suggested with a wink. There was still a bit of smudged eyeliner under his eyes.

"Maybe." I said as I climbed out of bed slowly and raised an eyebrow. "I already had plans with Johnny though." I said in a suggestive tone.

His eyebrows furrowed and in an instant he was up and had his arms wrapped around me.

"I am not sharing you." He said firmly.

"It was a joke Domino, don't worry." I laughed.

He rested his head against my shoulder.

"I know."

We stayed there like that for a few minutes, arms around each other. I felt him place a careful kiss on my shoulder before standing up straight.

"So, what are you wearing?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Well considering I just found out, I have no idea."

"Simple enough, go naked."

My eyes bulged so hard I thought they might pop out and smack him in the face.

"It's a family reunion, we are not one of those families."

He stared laughing loudly.

I gave him a warning look to quiet down but it was too late.

The door opened and Dominic shut the hell up. His eyes were wide and I felt like I was gonna puke. I didn't even want to see who it was.

"If you're gonna sneak him in at least get him to quiet the fuck down." Ethan whispered. "Mom and dad are right down the hall, they'll have both your asses." Then the door shut.

We both turned to each other and laughed quietly to ourselves, easing the sudden rush of nerves we had just had.

"Shit, that was close." He smiled.

"No shit loud mouth."

"Sorry." He said, scrunching his face up but still smiling.

I shook my head and walked over to my closet.

"So, what can I wear that says "I don't want to be here" but so its not too obvious."

Dominic was sitting on the edge of my bed now, watching me.

"Nipple holes."

I raised my eyebrows.

"What in the actual fuck."

"You know, it's where you cut holes in your shirt so your nipples poke out." He seemed genuinely serious. "It gives off the message that you really don't want to be there and trust me, nobody will talk to you. Unless you have a creepy family member. If that's the case call me up and I'll teach them a lesson."

I couldn't help but laugh at his nonsense.

"I think I'll go with a regular shirt today. I'll save the nipple holes for Thanksgiving."

I reached into the closet and pulled out a bright red t-shirt. I showed it to him.

"Ohhhh pretty."

I sat it on the bed beside him and pulled out some black skinny jeans.

He nodded in approval.

"Turn around." I said as I grabbed the waist band of my pants I was wearing. He did as I said and I quickly got dressed before tapping his shoulder.

He turned and smiled.

"Simple, but you look good." He said as he grabbed my hands. "It's a shame you have plans with Johnny, I'd much rather have his place."

"Sorry, he's just one of a kind."

"That's a shame cause, not only would we have watched a movie together, I would've given you your own private concert, and maybe a fancy dinner. Oh well, I know how charming he is." Dominic sighed. "He's so sweet."

"Shut up." I laughed.

He giggled and pulled me into a hug.

"I better get going."

I nodded.

"How are you getting out?"

"With your help of course." He gave me a kiss before standing up. "Go distract yourself parents."

She nodded and headed for her door.

"Oh and let me know when you get back. We're hanging out tonight. I'm going to make it up to you for how rude I was last night." He stated.


Hi everyone, sorry its been so long. I've been a bit stressed and distracted lately. I hope you can forgive me for the delay.

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