🕸🕷I love u bish, i aint never gonna stop loving u, bish [P.P]🕷🕸

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Yes, the vine ;)

WARNINGS: Just swearing. Yes i know, sorry, Steve!! I had to! For the sake of the vine!!

Enjoy while eating Shawarma 💜

"i love you, bitch! I aint never gonna stop loving you,,, bitch!"

You burst out laughing inside your classroom and everyone looked at you in a weird sort of way.

You paused the vine compilation you were watching and gently removed your earphones

"sorry" you awkwardly said as they roll their eyes and got back to what they were doing.

It was early in the morning and the teacher wasnt here yet, so you decided to watch vine compilations, i mean, who doesnt love those, am i right?

You nudged Peter's-- your bestfriend who is currently beside you and looking at you weirdly-- shoulder and tossed him one piece of the earphones

"watch this" you told him as you played the video

You couldnt help but laugh again (though more quiet now lol), at the video, and you heard a chuckle from Peter aswell

"i want the person who'll confess their love for me to do that." you told him as you turned off your phone and put it inside your desk

"that's just embarrassing, Y/N." he told you and you just rolled your eyes

"if they really do love me, they'd do anything for me right?" you told him matter of factly

He just shrugged and said, "you are insane, i dont know why i'm still friends with you" he said while laughing

"because you love me"

You turned red as soon as you said that and he did too.

You both turned away from eachother and awkwardly stared at the floor

Good thing, the teacher came and immediately started his discussion


You were just at your apartment's rooftop and looking at the sun that's now setting

You always found it peaceful looking at the sun when it's setting because of it's orange and slightly pink skies

You closed your eyes and smelled the air that's probably polluted judging by all the cars down below, but you were having your moment. You know, the one where you feel like you're inside a music video. Please, i know you've done it too ;)

"should i play music?"

You immediately jumped and turned around when you heard someone say that, but when you did, you just saw a guy wearing red and blue spandex

"bitch, you scared the shit out of me!" you dramatically told him as you put your hand on your chest as if you literally had a heart attack

He laughed and sat at the edge of the building where you were sitting earlier. You rolled your eyes playfully and took a seat beside him

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