🕸🕷How You Met [T.H]🕷🕸

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Idk honestly HAHAHA



You were walking by the beach, camera in your hands, taking pics of the sunset

Your hair danced with the wind, that's getting colder by minute. You felt your lips dry, so you sat down for a moment to drink some water and to put on some lipbalm

As you do that, you saw a dog running towards you, a pitbull

Your eyes widen, you stood up, going up on a rock so the dog wouldng reach you

"Tessa! I told you not to run." a voice from a distance shouted. The guy got closer, and you didnt notice because you were too busy watching the dog not to get to you, "i'm so sorry miss" the guy said and picked up his dog

And that gave you the chance to look at the guy, he has brown curly hair and beautiful brown eyes

You stutterd, "uh, it's alright." you said, getting down from the rock and putting your lipbalm and water inside your backpack, slinging your camera on your neck, "i just didnt really have the best times with dogs" you said, pulling the sleeve of your sweater, showing him a scar on your arm

He nodded understandingly, "yes, i'm very sorry. It's just that Tessa loves people." he said and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, making you smile

"it's all good." you said, "i'm Y/N, by the way" you said putting a hand out for him to shake

He held Tessa in one arm and shook your hand, "Tom." he smiled. You felt your cheeks heat up, but you ignored it

"nice to meet you Tom." you said, slowly letting go of his hand when he didnt.

"you too." he said, smiling, "are you alone?" he asked, making you furrow your eyebrows, he just then, realized how creepy that just sounded, "sorry, i didnt mean it to sound creepy. I just wanted to ask if you wanna walk around" he said, blushing

You bit your lip, "i would like that"

The both of you, with Tessa, then started walking towards the shore. You set up your camera and started snapping some pictures. Even some with Tom and Tessa without them knowing

"want to know a secret?" he suddenly asked after a few moments of silence

You looked at him, confused, "as long as it's not you being a serial killer that's trying to kill me" you joked

"oh darlin, i'm no killer. I'm actually a hero" he said, shrugging, making you raise your eyebrows

"really now?" you giggled, making Tom's heart jump

"yup. I'm Spider-man" he said

You stopped from walking, do did Tom.

He put Tessa down, making him run around, making sure not to run to you, but that wasnt in any of your concern right now

You burst out laughing. It was a good thing no one else was with you

"yeah, right" you shook your head, then continued walking

Tom rolled his eyes, catching up to you. "didnt expect you to believe me. I wasnt supposed to tell anyone anyways" he shrugged

You smirked, "well, Spider-man, why did you tell me if you needed to keep it a secret?"

"i guess i just feel comfortable around you. I mean, i know we just met, but there's something about you that makes me want to be myself" he said, stopping ang facing you

You stopped walking aswell

"ditto" you smiled, then giggled

The rest of the day went by really fast, cause you were having fun with his company

Most things happen for a reason, and you found out the reason

You ended up getting married and having a family together

Who knew? Not me. (;>)

Well, that's it. That's how you met.


Rubbish? I know

But i want to know your thoughts on how i write! Please let me know if they're bad or super bad :')

Anyways, just wanted to upload a Tom Holland one cause i havent wrote any in a long time

btw, Stan and Support nekomotherfuker cause she's amazing and she's pursuing her dreams. We love a queen

So yeah, i hope you liked that even though that was really lame. Even i hated that

But yeah, Merry Chrysler everyone!


Mischief Managed xx

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