🕸🕷Christmas Gifts [T.H]🕷🕸

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Eh, im just bored and i thought of this. Also, i'm 10% so i hope i finish this immidietly HAHA

No warnings oof



"It's Christmas!"

You slightly opened your eyes when you heard Paddy shout outside your door. You shifted your eyes at the person cuddling you and smiled

"Merry Christmas, love" said Tom who's been awake for a little while now, just looking at you

"Merry Christmas, Holland" you smiled at him and kissed his nose.

You then got up and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth, followed by Tom

The both of you brushed your teeth side by side and giggling at eachother.

After that, you went down, hand in hand and met with his family

"Merry Christmas, everyone!" you exclaimed, everyone then returned the greetings and sat down for breakfast

The breakfast was full of stories and laughs. This was your third time spending Christmas with the Hollands, wich was really lovely. Tom's family really love you, and you love them aswell, they're like your second family.

Breakfast then finished and so you helped Nikki clean up and wash the dishes

"oh hun, you dont need to help me" she smiled

"nah, i'd rather do this than be cornered by the boys." you laughed as you did the dishes

"well thank you then. I'm sure you'd be a lovely wife" she mumbled the last part

"i'm sorry?" you said, not hearing the last part of the sentence, but she just smiled lovingly

You looked at her suspiciously and shrugged to yourself

After doing the dished and cleaning the table, you went to the living roon where everyone is. As you sat down beside Tom, Paddy's opening his presents and so are the twins

"an avocado. Thanks" Paddy said once he opened the gift the twins gave him, wich made you laugh

"that's a good one" you told the twins, getting the reference

"what?" Tom and Dominic asked, not getting it

"merlin's beard, Tom! Have you not heard of vine?" Sam laughed

Tom rolled his eyes, "i have! I just dont know much" he said shyly

You laughed and pinched his cheeks

Once everyone is done opening presents, you thanked everyone for the presents you got. Tom's parents got you a pair of fluffy socks wich you really loved, the twins gave you a gag gift, and paddy gave you a hug wich you gladly accepted. And Tom.. Well he hasnt given you anything, therefor, you're still thankful that you have him

They thanked you aswell, you gave Nikki a pair of oven mits, Dominic a pair of glasses, the twins matching ugly sweaters, Paddy a shirt and Tom a crossiant pillow that says "quackson" all over it

As you picked up the wrappers to put in the trash bin, Tom spoke up

"wait! I still have something for you!" he exclaimed and ran towards the broom closet. You furrowed your eyebrows and ran quickly to the bin to throw away the wrappers, and you got back to the living room with Tom carrying a big box

You lifted your eyebrows, "what is that?"

"a present?" he said while grinning and gave you the box

You put it down and started to open it. And inside the box is.. Well, another box

"Thomas Stanley Holland, i swear to god if there's another hundred boxes inside this box, i'm gonna kill you" you said but continued to unwrap the gift wrappers and keep opening boxes to boxes

After maybe 20 boxes, you were left with one little one.

"if this isnt the last one, i swear to God, Tom!" you told him, and he just smirked and shrugged. You roll your eyes and looked ay the little box. You slowly open it

You furrowed your eyebrows, seeing a piece of paper inside. You get the paper and opened it wich made you confused more

"Holland?" you read. "Tom what is this-" you turned around, and you saw him, down on one knee, holding a small box in his hands

"i thought, maybe, giving you my last name would be a lovely gift for you. And that's if you accept it." he said and slowly opening the small box, inside is a diamond ring

You gasped, covering your mouth with your hand

"would you accept my gift, and be a Holland?" he asked nervously

You smiled, tears streaming down your face and nodded, "Yes, i would love to be a Holland" you giggled and hugged him

He hugged you back and backed away, putting the ring on your hand

His family cheered, you almost forgot they were there. You looked at them and showed them your ring

"i'm gonna be a Holland!" you exclaimed and looked at Tom again. You smiled at him and leaned in, crashing your lips on him

This story may be ending, but yours is only starting. I know it ;)



Liked that? I finished at 1%. Okay i really need to charge now before it turns of

Bye bye!

See yall latur Potathoes, love yall 3000 💜

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