🕸🕷Patched Up [P.P]🕷🕸

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Hey mah potathoes, how's your day? Amazing? Great! I've been bored :)

WARNINGS: none lmao


You were just chillin by your bed when suddenly, you heard a loud thud on your window

You jumped and almost threw your phone across the room because of that, but when you saw what it was you laughed your heart out. Good thing your parents wasnt home, or they would think you're going crazy

Outside the window, was Spider-man... And it looked like he swang and crashed on your window

You stood up and opened your window

"You're not swinging and texting, are you?" you chuckled

"nah, just bleeding."

Your eyes widen when you noticed him holding his stomach

"oh, god! Now i feel bad for laughing. Come in, i'll patch you up." you told him and went to your bathroom to get your first aid kit

When you came back, he was already sitting on your bed and his suit off his body up to his waist, but mask still on
You tensed a little when you saw his toned muscular body

But you got your desk chair and sat infront of him to look at the wound. You hissed in pain for him when you saw how deep it was

"you should be careful more, you know that?" you laughed a little as you start to clean the wound

"well, i wouldnt mind if you're the one who's gonna patch me up" he checkled but you just raised your eyebrows

"what's that supposed to mean?" you asked as you got a new cotton ball and put a little alcohol in it

He hissed in pain when you damped the cotton ball at his wound wich you apologized for, "i meant, i wouldnt mind getting wounds if it means getting to talk to girls like you.." he paused, "pretty." he continued

You slightly blushed and and chuckled, "oh, well, thought i was one in a billion, but thanks."

The white eyes of his mask widen, "no- yeah- uhm, you are--"

"it's alright" you laughed, "besides, it's not everyday that you get to patch up a superhero, now do we?"

"i guess not."

You smiled and put on a big plaster to cover up the wound, "there, you're patched up." you smiled and started packing away the things as he stood up to fix his suit

"thank you very much for helping me out, if it werent for you, i probably wouldve bled to death" he started and sratched the back of his neck

"hey, dont say that. And besides, it was the least i could do for laughing at you for crashing at my window" you said

He opened the window and stepped out your fire escape

You went to your window and smiled at him

"thank you again, for your help. Maybe next time i can swing by again, but hopefully not bleeding" he said wich made you laugh

"yeah, i would like that-"

Sirens from somewhere cut you from what you were saying wich made both of you turn your heads to the sound

"i guess that's my cue, bye Y/N!" spider-man said and swang away

You were frozen still when you heard him say your name

Because you didnt give him one to start with


And i oop-

Was that okay? Idk

Anywaysssssss idk what else to type sooo... Yeah

Bye potathoes ✨💜

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