🕸🕷Midnight Shananigans [P.P]🕷🕸

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Hello, hi, yes, it's me again. Hope you're not tired of me yet.

So yeah, i write pretty fast. Must be why the things i write are horrible. HAHAHA

WARNINGS: eh, idk. I'm just.. Yeah i really dont know HAHA. Also, the author doesnt know anything about Star Wars so i'm sorry about that :'))



It was almost midnight, and your desk was still filled with textbooks and random papers. You had a big chemistry test tommorow, and you were too lazy to study early so now you're studying last minute and you were tired

Your eyes started to close but a tap on the window made you jump. You looked at the window frowning, but when you saw who it was, your face softened. You stood up and opened the window for Peter.

He stepped inside your room and removed his mask, grinning widely

"what are you doing here at this hour? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" you looked him from head to toe, he looked fine

He chuckled, "i'm fine, Y/N. What were you doing?" he asked

You glanced at your messy desk and frowned

"well your lazy girlfriend thought it was a great idea to study last minute for a test. So here i am, living ny life like hell" you whined quietly, trying not to wake your parents

"well then, would you want me to pull you away from this hell and go for a midnight shananigan?" he grinned, stepping closer towards you

You think for a minute, but deep inside you know that you deserved a break. Besides, you've been studying for hours! Even though it was your fault, you knew going out would be a great idea

"please do" you told Peter and smiled widely

His smile grew and offered a hand to you. You took it and he led you to your window.

"wait!" you exclaimed then let go of his hand and ran towards your messy closet and grabbed a random hoodie.

You put it on and ran back to Peter, holding his hand again

"i'm ready" you smiled and he laughed


You swang around the city, and thanks to your hood, no one really saw your face. But everyone was stopping to see Spider-man swing with a mysterious person. New York really was the city that never sleeps

Once you bith were done swinging, you found yoursleves on top of the Empire State building

Your eyes widen at the view, the city lights that just goes with the night starry sky, and to mention the moon was a full circle. It was an amazing sight, indeed

You took it all in, leaning against the railings and smelling the cold air.

As you did that, you felt arms wrap around you, giving you more nice warmth. You lean against it and smiled

"i never thought the view from the Empire State building at night would be this beautiful" you stated quietly, knowing that he's hear you very well since his face was literally beside yours

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