🕸🕷Marvel vs DC [T.H]🕷🕸

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Okay, story time, i never really knew Marvel before i met Tom Holland (not really met but more like knew but yeah). I used to love Superman, like- i loved the movie, not Superman himself, but yeah, it was one of my favs when i was younger 😂

But yeah, i'll stop blobbing, i'll start now HAHA

WARNINGS: i dont really know, but i guess none haha


It was midnight and you and Tom are just laying down in bed, cuddling and ready to doze off

You were humming the Avenger's anthem wich made Tom laugh

"why are humming that, darling?" he laughed and kissed your head

"i dont know, honestly. But you know what?"

"what?" he asked

"i think DC is better" you secretly smiled, your face stuffed on his chest. You heard him scoff

"Marvel's better" he said

You rolled your eyes, "Superman is hot" you teased

"so am i" he argued wich made you laugh

"Steve Rogers' ass beats yours though" you looked up at him and he just raised an eyebrow, "but DC's still better" you teased again

"why are we even having this conversation? Marvel is the best, end of convo." he said and put his arm over his eyes

You laughed and hugged him tight

"i'm just teasing. My boyfriend is Spider-man! How am i not gonna love Marvel? I'm obligated to."

And to that, he pushed you off and faced the other way

"hey!" you said and sat up, shaking him

"nope, you ruined it. Why are you even dating me?" he faked offended, but you know, he's hiding a smirk

"i'm sorry, okay? I'm just teasing, you're just so cute when i tease you. And to answer your question, i am dating you because i love you and i cant live without you" you bit your lip, you were never really vocal about your feelings, so this was a shock to Tom

He turned around and sat up, cupping your face

"what did you say?" he asked, the tables has turned, he's the one teasing now.

"what? Oh, that uhm, you're cute when i tease you?" it came out as a question more than an answer

He smirked, "your answer to why you're dating me. I want to hear it" he said

You looked around, everywhere other than his eyes

"uh, i didnt- agh! No, i'm not saying that again" you said, looking like a tomato

He laughed, "come on, just once. I want to hear it" he said with pleading eyes

You rolled your eyes

"dont you dare make me repeat it again, understand?" he nodded, smirking, "fine! I love you and i cant live without you!" you exclaimed, then laying down, covering yourself with a pillow

You heard Tom chuckle, and a few seconds later, you heard yourself saying those words on phone speakers

You furrowed your eyebrows and removed the pillow off your face. Tom was sitting there, listening to a voice record, saying, 'i love you and i cant live without you'.

"Toooooommm!!!" you exclaimed and tried to get his phone, but he stood up and lift his phone up above your head so you wont get it

"nope! From this day, that'll be my alarm, ringtone, everything!" he giggled

You pouted, "not fair" you sighed and stopped reaching for the phone

He chuckled and hugged you tight

"i really really love you, you know that?" he said, kissing the top of your head

"even though i liked Superman more than Spider-man?" you smirked

He sighed, "well, you did say it as past tense, so i cant do anything about it, now do i?" he looked at you

You rolled your eyes and giggled

"yeah, yeah, whatever." you said

He leaned down, looking at your lips

You met him halfway and crashed your lips against his

Your lips were dancing to a rhythm, a rhythm only the both of you know.

You slowly backed away, gasping for air

"we should really sleep" you laughed

He chuckled and nodded, you both laid down and just hummed random songs until the both of you fell asleep

Okay, i know, very boring, and you guys hate me now because of this

But i was literally like 3 years old, so like i had no idea what Marvel was, but now i love Marvel more than DC. I dont even watch DC now hahahaha

Anyways, yeah, uhm, gotta go call my dad now -ehem, the Tony Stark- he's alive in my world, i live in earth 35426 (HA MADE UP) and my boyfriend, Peter Parker, is picking me up for a date later so, yeah.

Pls dont hate me, let me live my dreams hahahaha

Btw, Draco Malfoy's asking me if i could help him with his homework, so.. Bye!

Love ya'll 3000, Potathoes 💜

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