🕸🕷Smiles [P.P]🕷🕸

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This imagine is inspired (kind of) by thiiisss 👇

This imagine is inspired (kind of) by thiiisss 👇

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Uwu i loved that. Someone please tell me this 😭. (lol im lonely as fuuuudge. Okay not that i'm asking for a relationship, cause i dont actually want one, but like i actually want someone that makes me happy and smile widely with the things they say. HAHA okay bye)




You were walking in the corridors, hand in hand with Peter, your- well, friend, kind of

The both of you have been flirting for months, but never really made it official. You've thought of it, but never really talked about it. And you werent even sure if Peter wanted to make it official, so you just savored the moment until its over

"i still think Captain America is better than Iron Man" you said, smiling. The smile that makes Peter's heart flutter and he just rose his eyebrows

"Iron Man is a hundred percent better! I mean, have you seen his suits?" he argued and you just rolled your eyes

"have you seen America's ass? I would kill to have those" you smirked

"i think Spider-man's ass is better" he mumbled, then blushed.

Then it went silent, you thought for a moment, then said,

"you think they wear thongs to make the suit look better?"

You saw Peter blush for some reason, "i- wh- it- what?" he stuttered which made you laugh

"they wouldnt think of that. I mean, with all the crime fighting, i dont think their appearances would matter" you laugh and stopped infront of your classroom, "welp, this is me" you faced Peter, who's slightly back to his color

"oh, yeah. Have fun" he smiled awkwardly. You laughed and kissed his cheek

"see you later" you said and went inside your classroom


After school, the both of you went to Delmar's Deli to get a snack, you sat on an empty bench outside and started to munch in

It was silent, not an awkward one though, a comfortable one. The wind was brushing against their faces and the sun hitting their eyes, wich makes it so beautiful

Peter was staring at Y/N lovingly, he has liked the girl since they met, wich was the start of the school year. He stared at how peaceful she looked while smelling the (polluted lol) cold breeze and how the sun hits her E/C eyes

Peter Parker and Tom Holland Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now